South Carolina

I wish there were more "chicken tenders" downstate, I have several handsome Ameraucana roosters in need of homes. All good natured, proven to be proper roos! They all hatched from Dipsy Doodle Doo's eggs, and we all know they're good stock!

I'm willing to do some driving for a meet!
I feel like I have 50 million roosters. I have 2 pens going and am about to put a third one in for all the randy banty Cochin boys. I do believe it is the year of the rooster!
See! The year of the rooster!

And supposedly the hotter the weather the more likely you are to get roos. Geez! In the middle of January my Silkies hatched out eggs that took them almost 4 weeks to incubate because of the cold and I still got flipping roos!
I swear I can't get nearly as many pullets to hatch but am going to try an set my 'bator down a bit on temp to see what I get. I have heard rumors that a lower temp is more likely to produce pullets. It is hard for me to believe since the winter gave me roos but I am willing to try.
I have one rooster that can't crow, poor thing its just too funny, he attempts to wake me up and I end up laughing myself out of bed. His pen is right under my window. Then Andy puts him to shame and crows such a nice crow. They are so funny.

My husband thought he was going to get cute and put some mulch around some trees in the yard. The chickens have spread the mulch so well you can't tell its there. Its funny, he got mad at the birds, I said well they decided it needed spread out instead of in a round pile around the tree. He hasn't offered to buy or spread mulch since.

Ha ha!!! Chickens will make a mess. I finally have everyone in runs that are big enough that they have gobs of space to zoom around. My flower beds are looking much better!

I have a silkie/cochin mix (smooth-feathered splash) that has the worst crow. He sounds like he's ill. I thought something was wrong the first time I heard it and ran into the coop to check it out. But that's just how he crows. He, on the other hand, thinks he's quite magnificent. It's so funny how proud they look when they crow!

I finally have a hen that's laying! We just started with chickens in January so ours have been too young to do much. It's a silkie so the eggs are pretty small but it's still very exciting to see an egg. Now if she would just do it in the nest boxes. I'm going to try golf balls today!

Stay cool! I'm more than ready for this heat to go somewhere else.
Hey everyone. I am looking for some fertalized eggs in or around the Gaffney area. I am wanting to incubate some to add to my flock. I have a roo, but I have so many from him right now, and wanting to diversify the gene pool. If you have some cheep (or would be willing to part with some), please let me know. I am looking for a couple of dozen or so. Thanks
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Hello everyone! I'm a chicken newbie, due to get my first chicks in July. My husband and two daughters (ages 5 and 7) and I live near Simpsonville. Our address is Honea Path, but that's not where we live. . . some of our neighbors down the road have Fountain Inn addresses. Guess out here in the country the PO doesn't know exactly where to put us
I've never had chickens before, so I am very nervous and excited.

I have the same thing up here where I live. It is an Inman address, Blue Ridge phone number, though I live right over the Spartanburg county line and the people behind me and the neighbors 2 doors down are Campobello address. We used to live out in the country until people found out about how lovely it is and now we have neighbors galore.

Don't be too nervous about the chicks, they actually do quite well. Just read a lot of the raising chicks threads, coop threads and feeding threads and you should be good to go. There are tons of info on the BYC pages and if you can't find it then someone can answer your questions.

Billyj, I am PMing you.

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