South Carolina

I had the same problem. I ended up taking the nest bowl out and just giving her a pile of hay once hatching was done. I'd just put the chicks back in with her often, especially at bedtime.
I had the same problem. I ended up taking the nest bowl out and just giving her a pile of hay once hatching was done. I'd just put the chicks back in with her often, especially at bedtime.

Thanks for letting us know. Glad everything is Ok:) Oh, how many hatched?
Hello to all you fellow South Carolinians! I'm a newbie from Newberry, SC, expecting an assortment of brown egg layers and a couple EE's around the middle of next week! Can't wait to get started and wanted to stop by this thread and say hi to y'all!
Hellooo Tim and Amy!!! How exciting. I also have an assortment of chickens and the EE are always a favorite. I have Blue Laced Red Wyandotte Roos if you need any...LOL! Good luck with your new "babies".
Hi, timandamy! I'm not too far from you... just up in Greenwood! I have 7 EE that are 14 weeks old although I think only 2 are girls. I just received 35 day-old supposed-to-be pullets last week and 15 are EE. I can't wait until they all start laying!!!

Hey timandamy! We're also expecting our first chicks next week, from McMurray- a few Araucanas (I don't know whether they will be real Araus or EEs, doesn't really matter to me), some Marans, and several Black Stars (black sex links). The brooder is all set up and I'm checking the temp today. I think I have everything all set, now just waiting for the fuzzies. ETA: I'm about 20 mins. south of Simpsonville, btw!
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If they are from a hatchery, they will be EE. And look like little chipmunks probably. All of mine do! They start to change quickly though! I have my 35 week-old pullets in my dining room in two rabbit hutches. I put them under the heat lamp for a few days but then I turned it off. Even with the air on, it feels warm and they seem fine. I need to get them out to the farm soon though. They're messy!!

Enjoy your new chicks, everyone! I have 33 eggs in the bator (23 Ameraucana and 10 Wheaten Marans). Hope to candle them tonight. Which reminds me... I need to find another coop quick!
Hi, everyone!

I'm from the Upstate - Oconee County to be exact...

I've had a small flock of six hens for a little over a year, and after months of searching, I think I've finally found a rooster to join my flock! I'm picking him up (along with three hens - couldn't let him arrive all by himself) on Monday!

Anyway, it's exciting to see so many other chicken people in South Carolina! I can't wait to talk with y'all about all things chicken-y.
MadChickenLady, Don't you want a beautiful Ameraucauna rooster?? I have three that are 25 weeks old in case anyone is interested. Free! I was going to breed but have decided just to get eggs instead. They are blue and beautiful!!! I also have some Bobbi Porto silkie roos.
Gosh, I am gone for a week or so and now come back to all these lovely posts! I enjoy reading about everyone and what you all are doing.

Isn't it great that the SC Gamecocks won the Series!? See! Year of the Rooster! LOL

I am about to have a chick explosion again. I have 10 hens sitting on as many eggs as they can manage under them and my Genesis 'bator has 42 but I haven't candled to see how many are developing. Of my 7 hens I have 3 Silkies, a standard Cochin, a Serama, a Frizzle, an Araucana and 3 bantam Cochins sitting on a mixture of colors and breeds but mostly they are Mille Fleur Cochin eggs. I have a few Frizzles due to hatch and a few more Araucana.
The bator has Mille Fleur Cochin but also some Olive Eggers from my Araucana roo over my rumpless Cuckoo Maran. They have given me a few nice pullet chicks already and I will not sell them. They are red barred and adorable!

So many in my laying flock are broody now and I am getting pretty tired of it. My layers are upset that they can't have their choice nest boxes and I am finding eggs in odd places.

I am also getting excited about my ducks as they are maturing. I can't wait until they start to lay. I am up to 17 now but 2 are drakes. I suppose we will be eating one for Thanksgiving this year.

Stay cool! They say we are in for another major heat wave by Thursday. Uck!

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