South Carolina

It is Debi
. I had some Bev Davis BC Marans and lost the only roo I had. I sent the hens up to NY to my brother. He bred it to a roo that was supposed to be Wade Jean line and he shipped me some eggs I hatched them and only kept 2 hens and a roo. I will hatch some again this year and see what happens. I sold out the Wheaten Marans because they had white earlobes. I have had a lot of health issues that have slowed me down considerably. I do think that Marans should have white or pink soles of the feet.
From the BC Marans standard: LEGS AND TOES: Lower Thighs -- Black. Shanks and Toes -- Shanks and toes light to mid-slate, showing pink between the scales. Bottoms of feet pinkish white. Shank and Toe Feathers -- Black. I have not put the time into the Marans anymore so maybe things have changed
Now if only I could get some blue pullets from him....

I'll guarantee blue, but not pullets

I hope I do, too, to go with a splash rooster.
I will almost guarantee a rooster, though

I should have some extremely nice BCM by next winter. I got on Julie Akers (recommended by Bev Davis) waiting list, and she just called. 15 new BCM will be here Thursday

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