South Florida Predators?

I am rural on a dead end road near Ocala. As expected, I see a predator on my cameras most nights. Here is a bat on one of the cameras. I know it's not a predator but it was interesting.
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We don't have any ferrets here, but we have a lot of predators. Here it's mostly coyotes. Osprey don't go after chickens. They like fish. We have plenty of them. There is a lake at the bottom of the hill from where we live. I have seen plenty of osprey but they mostly stay around the water. Their nickname is fish hawk. There are many hammocks in the lake and the birds build nests in the trees in the hammocks including bald eagles which will take a bird.
Not a predator but every morning they are here bright and early and stay all day until it's time to go roost.
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I had herons quite often on my pond...Not sure they had a red head though because they were super skittish and flew off at the slightest noise. Those don't seem skittish. They are amazing to watch!
Yes they are Sandhill cranes. I could probably walk up to them and touch them but won't. They are nice to watch. Now they are pecking around in the gardens. I have to chase them out of the garden beds because when they are pecking in the ground and they have been piercing the irrigation tapes. They are definitely not afraid of me. They like corn and acorns so I put some corn under an oak tree and then that gets them out of the gardens.
Put it this way, everyone likes chicken. I find that a hot line plugged in at night and strung around the coops about 4" off the ground does a great job of sending a message without killing anyone. Also, something that chickens can run underneath like one of my coops is raised up works really well for a run in for protection.
In my part of Florida there aren’t the large number of introduced species that you have in south Florida. South Florida is tropical, my part of Florida is sub tropical and has multiple freezes in the winter. That keeps most of the exotics knocked back.

The run of the mill predators others have mentioned will be your most realistic threat. Added to them is a reasonable chance that one of the many non-native reptiles established in Florida might show up. Nile monitors, tegus, pythons, all exist in some numbers in many south Florida localities.

Florida has mysterious native populations of weasels and minks through almost the entire state. Encountering one or the aftermath might be a once-in-a-lifetime thing.

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