South Mississippi Calling!


In the Brooder
11 Years
May 18, 2008
Tylertown, MS
Hello y'all!

I've been reading this forum for several days and found it interesting, informative and most friendly. As a rule, I generally do not join forums, but this one piqued my interest, so here I am. Most likely I will need help navigating this site since I am not experienced with forums.

I've been around chickens since childhood and have raised them for the better part of my adult life. My husband and I bought 96 chicks in preparation for Y2K and and then another 25 in the spring of 2005. Both batches came from Ideal Poultry without problems. For various reasons and because of Hurricane Katrina, all that remain are a handful.

This month, I ordered 30 pullets from Welp, Inc. because this hatchery was the only one that had all the breeds I wanted. Next month, I will know whether I erred by choosing Welp because of the shipping distance (over 1K miles). If the chicks arrive as anticipated, I plan to order a couple of goslings and additional pullets. I will try remembering to post my experience with this hatchery and perhaps some pix.

Also, I am an avid thread crocheter and prefer making doilies. I have enough thread, books, etc., to last several lifetimes. Too many hobbies and not enough time!

If there's anyone around my neck of the woods (Walthall County), give a wahoo . . . I'd love hear'n from ya!

Until later,

Welcome to BYC - You'll love it here. Lots of information and fun topics to join in on.

I'm in Woodville, MS, not too far away. Before buying our home here we looked at a home in Tylertown - used to belong to Gov. Edwin Edwards.

I'm in Summit (north Pike county.) Good to meet you. I'm always so thrilled to find people close by (well, the next county over.) I lived in Tylertown for a couple of years when I was a teenager.

What kind of chickens do you have now? I am assembling a small flock of laying hens. This is what I have now:

2 RIR (1yr)
3 Ancona (7 mos)
1 Dominique (7 mos)
2 RIR (2 mos)
3 Black sex links (2 mos)

and I have a few Araucanas that I haven't picked up yet. they were just hatched on a farm in Liberty (Amite county). The lady is going to give me a call when she has sexed them so I can get a few pullets from her.

Then, I think my flock will be just the size I want it.

Right now, I get five or six eggs a day, so I give away a couple of dozen a week to family and co-workers. I especially like trading them for deer meat. I always feel like I'm robbing the other person when I do that, though. LOL

I can't wait to hear all about your chickens!

Hi Cassandra,

Thanks for the welcome!

I'm familiar with Summit. My daughter attended college there and then finished at USM. After teaching several years, she decided to become the vet she had always dreamed of becoming. She just ended her first year at State, so hopefully this old mare will have a horse doctor in the house before long.

I only have one Buff Orp rooster and four hens: 1 Buff Orp, 1 Silver Laced Wyandotte, and 2 Black Australorps.

We do not raise show birds; our birds are only raised for their egg production.

Before all our poultry disappeared, we were knee-deep in eggs. Most all were given away to family, friends and members of the community. There's no way my husband would ever sell eggs; it's just not his nature. The few chickens we have left are his pets.

As I said, I recently placed an order for a fresh supply of pullets, which will renew my interest. I ordered five of the following: BO, BR, RIR, RSL, Delawares, and Welsmmers. Eventually, I would like to add several Partridge Rocks and Ameraucanas (EEs) and a couple of Gray Toulouse geese.

How much is the lady from Liberty asking for her Ameraucana pullets? The few pullets (BR & BSL) available in Tylertown are selling for $2.69 ea.

Our hen house is 12' x 16' and the fenced area is 50' x 50' . . . more than enough space for the number of chickens we raise.

The varmints aren't too bad over here, but we have TROUBLE with hawks. What about you? Used to have lots of coyotes passing through and screaming like banshees, but haven't had any show up lately; I reckon the dogs keep 'em at bay.




Thanks! From what I've read, everyone is so very nice and helpful. I look forward to dropping in occasionally.

Read some of your posts and viewed your pix . . . very enjoyable. I, too, lived in St. Tammany Parish before moving to MS in '86.

I heard the story re Edwin's house. I was told that before the ink had dried he had sold it. The last I read, the old crawdad's serving time at Oakdale, La.
They will be $3 or $4 depending on how old they are when I pick them up. They are supposed to be pure araucanas, which I understand have a fatal gene that kills 25% of them. So, I may let her keep them for up to 8 weeks.I'm not sure what I will do yet. She is supposed to call me when she has them sexed. But she didn't give me any idea how long that will be. She could be waiting or their feathers to grow in for all I know about sexing chickens. LOL

I'm glad you are rebuilding your flock after the hurricane. I didn't have chickens at the time, but I had a friend who lost his entire flock--though it was only a few.

Your run is big compared to mine! Your chickens must love it.
I'm always afraid my chickens don't have enough room. But it's too soon since we built the last run for me to start bothering my husband about it again.

I've never owned either Araucanas (SA pure breeds) or the Ameraucanas (hybrids), thus I am not familiar with these breeds. The Ameraucanas are fairly common and they reportedly do not have the fatal gene. Apparently, the Ameraucanas and the Easter Eggers (EEs) are the same breed and are popular with those who desire blue/green eggs -- Green Eggs and Ham, you know.

Cassandra, if you decide to buy the Araucanas, I wish you much success raising them. Just make sure you secure them against the varmints that will be lurking in the shadows for a tasty morsel.


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