Southern NY, Dutchess county and below

Hey !! I lived through the past week but see I have tons of catching up to do.....I miss you all.......sigh. I can't sit for 5 minutes cause the house is such a mess and I need to put stuff back together and clean.

I live in a dust-bowl and don't know where to start. but the sun is out and shining!!!

Baby went home Friday and everyone is happy and healthy.

My silkie, Snowball has been broody for 4 days and I am trying to break her of it for now. But if the past is any proof........ she will outlast my efforts. Problem is how to segregate her from the others so she can set in peace.

Can I put her in a dog crate inside the coop enclosure?? I am stressing out about it but it makes sense maybe to do it that way. The hawks are all out lately and I need to keep them penned down tight. They are screaming at me every day to be let out. If they only knew what awaited them.............

Anyhows.....back to cleaning and maybe tonight I can catch up on some reading.
Gaaaaah! My only remaining silkie just crowed! He is a very sweet boy though, as long as he doesn't start any trouble he can hang out, otherwise, anyone want a blue silkie roo from Vera?

I also have a RIR boy that will need a new home soon, and a dark brahma roo that I don't have a place for. I know it is a long shot, but thought I would offer.
Gaaaaah! My only remaining silkie just crowed! He is a very sweet boy though, as long as he doesn't start any trouble he can hang out, otherwise, anyone want a blue silkie roo from Vera?

I also have a RIR boy that will need a new home soon, and a dark brahma roo that I don't have a place for. I know it is a long shot, but thought I would offer.
It's so frustrating isn't it? I got lucky in my chickendevours so far-but I know it's coming.

I try not to get attached to the babies until they're known hens, but who can resist snuggling babies? Not me I tell ya.
Gaaaaah! My only remaining silkie just crowed! He is a very sweet boy though, as long as he doesn't start any trouble he can hang out, otherwise, anyone want a blue silkie roo from Vera?

I also have a RIR boy that will need a new home soon, and a dark brahma roo that I don't have a place for. I know it is a long shot, but thought I would offer.
Oh that's too bad. Takes so long to figure out those darn silkies.
Went to lock up the kids and they were all sitting on the perch I had installed . That is except for the silkies. These kids are loving their new freedom.

Christina, how are the quail?

Mags how's the baby?

Nothing like July in April.

Made a new garden today. I call it the dirt garden it's for the girls. You know they aren't going to use it. They would much rather destroy my gardens.
We were awakened at 4:30 this morning to the sound of helicopters hovering over the neighborhood. At first I thought of something military because of all the tension with Korea, but it seems like they were searching backyards. Of course, neither situation makes for calm sleeping. After about an hour, the copters flew away. I still don't know what it was about, but I will be taking a nap today for sure...
We were awakened at 4:30 this morning to the sound of helicopters hovering over the neighborhood. At first I thought of something military because of all the tension with Korea, but it seems like they were searching backyards. Of course, neither situation makes for calm sleeping. After about an hour, the copters flew away. I still don't know what it was about, but I will be taking a nap today for sure...
Oh that is SO scary!! Were they looking for someone who committed a crime? Jeez, girl! Lock those doors and put out the watch chickens!!

A nap sounds good. Gorgeous day to sleep outside in the shade (provided they found who or what they were looking for!)
We were awakened at 4:30 this morning to the sound of helicopters hovering over the neighborhood. At first I thought of something military because of all the tension with Korea, but it seems like they were searching backyards. Of course, neither situation makes for calm sleeping. After about an hour, the copters flew away. I still don't know what it was about, but I will be taking a nap today for sure...
Sounds like a police chase/search Suzanne. if it were really dangerous they'd be knocking on doors warning residents to lock their doors etc. We have them here a lot.

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