Southern NY, Dutchess county and below


Congratulations, Mammo! Too funny! Lucky is gonna be one friendly, curious, in-your-face girl.. I have a Golden Comet, too! LOVE her! The others all sound beautiful, and the dark Brahmas and Columbians and GL Wyandottes.. gorgeous, (mostly) mellow darlings! Have fun, and welcome to chicken crazyness!

Mags, I suspect you are totally right, chicken math may indeed take hold! We really cannot help ourselves, can we?
Our current flock is and will stay small though, we have just five standard-sized girls and a bantam-mix roo.

Imprfctme-- Congrats on your Texas homestead!
May it be a joyous place for you, your family, and the chickens!

I think you ladies are right about keeping 2 pullets rather than 1, in case anything should happen to the little dear. Our coop would be comfy for 6 large hens, and we have just 5 now.. and after all, 2 banties = 1 LF, right?
Our mini-roo sleeps in a nestbox, so there's room both on the roosting pole as well as in the other nestboxes. (though secretly, I'm sure Alfie would want the banty girls sleeping with HIM ) I';ll ask my fiance about keeping back 2 pullets.

Here's the coop we have, it's surprisingly roomy in there:




All is beautiful!
how the heck do you do the's driving me crazy I can't do it.
Emoticons are easy. Start your Reply and then find the smiley face in the menu bar that's right on top of your Reply window. It's a long line of words and symbols saying: Source, Normal, Size, A, B I U, etc., etc., showing you the icon symbols for adding links, attachments, photos and the yellow smiley face

When your reply needs an emoticon, just click on the smiley face in the menu and a whole big bunch of them will suddenly appear and you just click on the one you want to use.

Easy Peasy.

Congrats Mags
Beautiful babies, coop,and Shepard
Hi Carolyn how have you been?
I really have to get a picture of my frizzle bantam..she???is sooo cute.
Hee hee heee!! You are going to want to keep more than one, trust us! Also, they are just plain happier with a buddy or two, so it would be downright cruel to not keep three... or four... or six...
Seriously though, they are happier as part of a flock so plan on at least two but three is ideal.

Because -- and I say this as someone that loves, nay is obsessed with, chickens - they are fragile little creatures at times and sometimes we just lose one through no fault of our own. Someone on IG that I follow posted a quote from her Nanna: "Chickens are always lookin' for ways to die, sweetheart." I offer this to you before you hatch the chicks especially; please do not panic if one of them fails to thrive. It was nothing you did, they just don't all make it, especially as babies. Which doesn't mean we don't give them our hearts entirely too often and too easily anyway!

MilleFleur is such a pretty feather color, I just adore it.

Now please excuse me, I have to plan a quail pen for my new backyard in Texas... yep, we are now Texas homeowners y'all! If I am typing with a Southern Accent now that's why.
Congratulations, Heather! I'm already researching plane fares...
We're here in VT. Tomorrow morning we'll pick up the license, do a little hanging around (a/k/a shopping) and then the wedding is at 4. Laura is on her way now.
My beautiful bouquet (from my friend Nancy) and sparkling grape juice for a wedding toast (from my friend Susan). We have a fireplace in our room. Life is VERY good!
We're here in VT. Tomorrow morning we'll pick up the license, do a little hanging around (a/k/a shopping) and then the wedding is at 4. Laura is on her way now.
My beautiful bouquet (from my friend Nancy) and sparkling grape juice for a wedding toast (from my friend Susan). We have a fireplace in our room. Life is VERY good!

Congrats! Enjoy every minute of it!
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