Southern NY, Dutchess county and below

Oh, Jersey, so sorry to hear of that horrible hawk! It is definitely overstepping it's protected status. I used fishing line over my giant garden one year and it worked well. The crows were very upset with me. Apparently the rules had been that they could be in that area of the yard, so when I made the garden they considered it theirs, and found the corn sprouts delicious. The spider net of invisible stuff was unwelcome, so the next morning at 4 AM! They gathered in numbers and stalked around cawing loudly. They pretty Much leave the gardens alone now, but I don't plant a lot of corn, just in case.

Good luck with the relocation.
My chickens are suffering that affliction as well, but they are going to have to keep on suffering. I let them out yesterday, since it was not to messy out and the grass is showing in places and the hawk got 2 more of them. This time it got one of my biggest brahma hens. It has never gone for the big girls before. She had to be a 10 lb bird! The shame of it is they only rip the neck and breast apart and then move onto the next bird. This particular hawk has become quite a nuisance. It has taken 5 birds in the past month. This is the same one that got INTO the coop. I think I need to call the raptor center to see if it can be relocated. In the mean time I will be stringing up fishing line and bird netting all around to give them some cover. 

The pheasants will be in a complete enclosure, so at least I don't have to worry about them. I don't know what color of cots I have, they are mystery eggs! Same with the buttons, I think it is a mix of color mutations. Do you keep your cots as pairs or in trios? I am working out the cage situation this month. 

Sorry to hear about your hawk problem Christine. I haven't really let mine out yet. Except to dig out the mountain of shi-rt. They don't really like the snow. All of a sudden, after producing eggs all thru the winter (@8/w- not bad for 4 chickens) they just completely stopped. Hot oatmeal or no hot oatmeal. LOL!
I hope you are doing better Christine? I slipped and fell on my head 3 weeks ago. I had 7 stitches and now have vertigo. It seems to be a little better but I'm trying not to move my head to fast... Oh well, hopefully this too shall pass. I am ready for spring... Hope everyone else is doing ok? HRU Carol? Roberta, have you moved yet?
Sorry to hear about your hawk problem Christine. I haven't really let mine out yet. Except to dig out the mountain of shi-rt. They don't really like the snow. All of a sudden, after producing eggs all thru the winter (@8/w- not bad for 4 chickens) they just completely stopped. Hot oatmeal or no hot oatmeal. LOL!
I hope you are doing better Christine? I slipped and fell on my head 3 weeks ago. I had 7 stitches and now have vertigo. It seems to be a little better but I'm trying not to move my head to fast... Oh well, hopefully this too shall pass. I am ready for spring... Hope everyone else is doing ok? HRU Carol? Roberta, have you moved yet?
Oh my goodness, I hope the vertigo goes away. Did they do a CT or MRI of your head and neck? I would think that the concussion symptoms would have passed by 3 weeks! I am on the second month of my new therapy. It is not fun, but I am tolerating it. I have all the usual high dose prednisone symptoms, but the new med seems not to be causing me anything additional so far (other than to decimate my immune system like it is supposed to). So, little cuts and scrapes take ages to heal. I will have to be careful when I get back outside to doing projects. Between the brambles, fencing, coop and cage building, and gardening, I am always slicing myself open on something out there.

Are your girls trying to go broody on you??? Mine are starting that nonsense again already. Last year half of them went broody at the same time. I just started getting eggs again a few weeks ago and am back up to 2 dozen a day!!! Feast or famine with these old hens of mine. Most of my girls are in their 5th season this year.
Oh my goodness, I hope the vertigo goes away. Did they do a CT or MRI of your head and neck? I would think that the concussion symptoms would have passed by 3 weeks! I am on the second month of my new therapy. It is not fun, but I am tolerating it. I have all the usual high dose prednisone symptoms, but the new med seems not to be causing me anything additional so far (other than to decimate my immune system like it is supposed to). So, little cuts and scrapes take ages to heal. I will have to be careful when I get back outside to doing projects. Between the brambles, fencing, coop and cage building, and gardening, I am always slicing myself open on something out there. 

Are your girls trying to go broody on you??? Mine are starting that nonsense again already. Last year half of them went broody at the same time. I just started getting eggs again a few weeks ago and am back up to 2 dozen a day!!! Feast or famine with these old hens of mine. Most of my girls are in their 5th season this year. 

Yes I had a CT scan day of accident then again the next day. I went to a neurologist also.
Sorry you are going thru such troubles. Hope you feel better soon
Oh My Goodness!!! We had a button quail hatch (early, since it is supposed to be for tomorrow/Friday). They are the teeniest little things you ever saw. Their head is about the size of a pea. Their entire body can fit on a nickel. My DD is over the moon. They will certainly be easier to care for than a large fowl chicken... lol. There are 40 button quail eggs in there... the breeder assured me an assortment of colors, assuming some more hatch. What an adorable little distraction. I will try to get some pics after they finish and I open up the incubator.

I have a very pretty splash ameraucana rooster I need to rehome. I am sad to have to part with him, but my town code does not permit keeping roosters and my very suburban (read close by neighbors) are getting fed up with the crowing. We are in western Suffolk county on Long Island.

Here is a picture of him with my buff orpington hen.
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Your rooster is so pretty, but I'm not allowed to have them either. Good luck finding him a home.
My girls are laying eggs like gang busters finally. It was a scarce winter around here. Only 2 were laying and only about 2 per week.
The girls were happy today. I turned the compost and they helped. I also found 3 brand new tiny field mice in the pile. I tried to put the nest back the best I could, I hope the mom comes back to them.
I'm hoping you all got enjoyed the sun today. Happy Spring!!!!

I have a very pretty splash ameraucana rooster I need to rehome. I am sad to have to part with him, but my town code does not permit keeping roosters and my very suburban (read close by neighbors) are getting fed up with the crowing. We are in western Suffolk county on Long Island.

Here is a picture of him with my buff orpington hen.

How old is he? I may be interested in him for my ladies.

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