Southern NY, Dutchess county and below

I went to the show in Mass with Vera, I get back, have to go thru 40+ posts.
You guys were chatty!
Still need to hose out my car. Weather was nice until around 3pm.
I need to hone my packing skills
The skies opened up, and we were the last fools in the parking lot, jamming crap into the back of my VW.
All my jewelery displays, boxes, cases SOAKED!
I hope Vera doesn't post all those pics on facebook!
That and the motel room... brought all the birds in with us.
Drove back to the ferry with 2 Silkie roosters on my lap, she had a box full of chicks on hers.
OF COURSE we couldn't get an earlier ferry, waited 2 hrs pinned in the car under wet everything.
Now to go clean. UGH.
Strange how it was fun for us both!!!
Wow roberta....that was sure a DAY.LOLOLtorrential and thunder. My poor dog is crawling up my $#@ Thunder makes her crazy scared.
It is rainig hens and peeps here all morning.
Good morning Its lock down day for my 20 soon to be babies....

Caleb; After my experience with craigslist and the word "rooster" your dad should be more worried about that site then Austin powers

I think my son would have runaway to the circus if I took his xbox away for a week at your age..
Good luck with your hatch!
I went to the show in Mass with Vera, I get back, have to go thru 40+ posts.
You guys were chatty!
Still need to hose out my car. Weather was nice until around 3pm.
I need to hone my packing skills
The skies opened up, and we were the last fools in the parking lot, jamming crap into the back of my VW.
All my jewelery displays, boxes, cases SOAKED!
I hope Vera doesn't post all those pics on facebook!
That and the motel room... brought all the birds in with us.
Drove back to the ferry with 2 Silkie roosters on my lap, she had a box full of chicks on hers.
OF COURSE we couldn't get an earlier ferry, waited 2 hrs pinned in the car under wet everything.
Now to go clean. UGH.
Strange how it was fun for us both!!!
You forgot the part about the canopy blowing away....that was really funny in a sick sort of way!
I'm officially a college student again. I start in sept.
Woohoo. Veterinary Technology. Now I don't have to
be a chemist anymore!!

I'm going to spend 2 days with a friend of mine from
High school her 3 yr old is having surgery wed. To remove
a lump on her chest. She also has to have a bone marrow
test. They think she has a bone infection in her leg.
Poor baby. They say it's not cancer but the kid has been
having surgeries since she was a few moths old. I dunno.
Anyways I hope my eggs don't hatch while I'm gone.
Bad enough mom has to care for 19 chicks and the 2
girls outside. Good thing mom loves chicks.
Home depot in Selden had 25 feet of 48 inch hardware cloth for $55. that roll on craigs list looks like 50 feet easy, probably more.

Keep your chin up on being out of work. Two of my favorite sayings: Remember, when one door closes another opens, or, everything I lose leaves room for something new. I've spent the last four summers not sure if I would have a job in September, I know, it is horrible. But something will turn up! it is just the way of the world.

okay, so my chickens are almost 4 weeks old and the coop (aka Taj Mahal) is almost done, AND I figured out how to upload photos! So here they are: (there is an spare piece of plywood in the pen higing from the rain. My chickens are in a makeshift pen so they can free range during the day and I bring them inside at night. Question: for those of you who use the deep liter method in the hen house, is there any BAD aspects to it?

Oh yeah, the canopy. I kind of wrote that off a while ago...
Alot of the peeps in CT are pros, and we figured it's time to join the ranks.
They talk about how "many tables" they use for the shows.
Kind of like a flea market. So I have a little table for the jewelery 4 feet long.
And I got a 6' table to add to the mess.
Everything has to fold down to fit into my little VW.
So what if it rains?
The right thing to do is get one of those collapsible canopies.
The nice ones are like $200, but us rookie chicks are starting out on a budget.
Mrs cheepass CFG finds one at the dollar store for $20.
Not too bad putting it together.
I used the stakes it came with, and as an extra measure, tied it to a chair.
The wind starts up, and takes the canopy, AND the chair over my car, hits the car next to us, over the fence into the horse pasture.

I think we need a better canopy.
What a nice looking coop! Congrats on getting it done.

I don't use deep litter but I have heard one of the drawbacks can be if there is a lot of rain it gets messy. I clean out the sleeping area every morning, and do a thorough mucking out once a month including scrubbing down any poo with bleach water solution.
Oh yeah, the canopy. I kind of wrote that off a while ago...
Alot of the peeps in CT are pros, and we figured it's time to join the ranks.
They talk about how "many tables" they use for the shows.
Kind of like a flea market. So I have a little table for the jewelery 4 feet long.
And I got a 6' table to add to the mess.
Everything has to fold down to fit into my little VW.
So what if it rains?
The right thing to do is get one of those collapsible canopies.
The nice ones are like $200, but us rookie chicks are starting out on a budget.
Mrs cheepass CFG finds one at the dollar store for $20.
Not too bad putting it together.
I used the stakes it came with, and as an extra measure, tied it to a chair.
The wind starts up, and takes the canopy, AND the chair over my car, hits the car next to us, over the fence into the horse pasture.

I think we need a better canopy.
Oh no way! Did you get it on tape? You could submit it to America's Funniest Videos and win a prize - new canopy! :)

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