Spaghetti Squash and Pumpkins

Eggie and Me

10 Years
Mar 9, 2009
Southern California
I have both of the above growing in our garden as well as several other types. Can our flock now 17 weeks old eat these? If ok, can I give them either raw or cook? Thanks for always having the right answers.............
I've given both to them raw. They love it! I've also given my left-over cooked spaghetti squash rinds and seeds to them.

The little garbage-disposals go
for them!!!
Thanks for the info.
I figured it was good, but then you never know. They go crazy for butternut squash, sunflowers, radish tops, cilantro, spinach and several other herbs.
I had a few spaghetti squash left over from last season. (They store great all winter in a cool dry location). I gave them to my chickens a few weeks ago. They LOVED them. I am glad I planted a couple of extra hills of them this year. It looks like I will have MANY of the squash this season. Our family will only eat one or two a month. I will probably have quite a pile of them available for the chickens.

My chicks were probably around 12 - 13 weeks old when I first gave them spaghetti squash.

I feed it raw. I just cut one in half and put the two halves in the run. When I check back in a couple of hours only a thin shell (skin) remains.
Thanks everyone, this morning the girls had our left over spaghetti squash. The seeds and insides were of course raw, but they also got what we didn't eat. You're all right
they went crazy and ate every bit.

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