speaking of suet, this is for you RED Hen!

whatsup chickenbutt

11 Years
Sep 9, 2008
I just made a big batch of:
cold chicken grease
grated carrots
can of beans
crumbled up hard boiled egg and shell
peanut butter
stale bread
mixed it all together and spooned it into an 18 pack egg carton and froze it. popped out the little frozen treats and threw a couple to the birds. They loved it!

oops, i said speckledhen meant to say redhen, we were discussing suet before.
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I was just wondering about this today.I had a chicken that I roasted and it's too old for me to eat.

I put the meat in a container to bring out to the bird, then I noticed the very solidified stock and wasn't sure whether it was too fatty to give them or not...
Our chickens LOVE all that icky stuff. It is pretty gross to me, but they love it!:pllb
at the deli today i bought a package of what is called "bird ball"...im guessing it is fat. the grump said i should tie it to a string and hang it for birds in the winter. when i was tying it, some of it crumbled to the ground and the chickens went insane over it.

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