Speckeld Sussex Egg Pics?


9 Years
Jul 15, 2010
Gardiner, NY
Anyone have any pictures of eggs from a Speckeld Sussex Hen??? I have 3 that are about 15 weeks old and am just wondering what their eggs look like!
One of mine from midApril hatch just started laying and it is very lightly tinted brown. Sorry I can't give you a picture though--I ate the egg.
It's a light brown, but no picks of the eggs! sorry. I should make some though....I have some speckled sussex hatching eggs for sale if you need more ladies?

Anyway, just love my flock...so sweet!
The lighter colored eggs are from our Speckled Sussex, the darker from Buff Orpingtons. The Speckled's are usually a little smaller but, would still considered large I think.


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