Speckled Sussex - Hen or Roo


In the Brooder
May 16, 2017
Golden, BC
Well it looks like all but this one are Roos sadly. Lesson learned I suppose. This one is the smallest and youngest by far and I'm not sure on age.




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Fingers crossed! I bought 12 youngsters off a lady and so far 11 outta 12 are Roos. :confused:

Murph is the biggest and has his "teenage" crow going. He's a great Roo and keeps them all in line. He's totally not aggressive so far.


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Fingers crossed! I bought 12 youngsters off a lady and so far 11 outta 12 are Roos. :confused:

Murph is the biggest and has his "teenage" crow going. He's a great Roo and keeps them all in line. He's totally not aggressive so far.

Sorry to hear you got that many roosters. What r u doing with all those roosters? Murph is a good looking one!
Well I have two coops for now, one with 9 ISA laying hens and the other with all these bachelors. I'm not sure how long I'll be able to keep them all together before WW3 breaks out!? I'll either try to sell off a couple or we'll be filling the freezer I guess. If I can get them to Murph's size they'd be decent sized birds. So far they all get along swimmingly.
Well I have two coops for now, one with 9 ISA laying hens and the other with all these bachelors. I'm not sure how long I'll be able to keep them all together before WW3 breaks out!? I'll either try to sell off a couple or we'll be filling the freezer I guess. If I can get them to Murph's size they'd be decent sized birds. So far they all get along swimmingly.

How old are they? Do you mind posting pics of the remaining birds. Just curious.
The 6 SLW are definitely all boys...the tail feathers all came in and they all show off their hackles to each other. The 6 SS look to be mostly boys. The one in question and the second smallest could be hens but they also appear to be younger than the rest. The others are getting their saddle and neck hackles.

I don't know the full story on these birds, I got them from a lady about 3.5 hrs from here. She said they were unsexed but when I got there she said someone else had bought all the adults. I have a feeling they also helped themselves to all the hens outta the flock. The lady was your typical "chicken hugger", doesn't eat chickens nor would she ever kill them. So I think she just took advantage of a young fella who's trying to start out. It's too bad because the Speckled Sussex are amazing birds but very hard to come by around here. Other thing I can get are Light Sussex, Barred Rock, ISA Browns, or Amercaunas, not that there's anything wrong with those.
How old are they? Do you mind posting pics of the remaining birds. Just curious.

I'll snap some pics of the rest in a little bit. They're back in the coop while this monster of a thunderstorm rolls thru. We let them free range in our dog run when the dogs aren't out.

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