Speckledhen **Beading is DONE Pg 39**

well there is also the blanket thief to consider....the taco bell beast that guards the girls...he slides under the blankie and stays there! All night and all day when he can get away with it. LOL



He is not as vicious as the first photo shows...I was annoying him by making "smoochie" noises. He hates smoochie noises. LOL
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Lookit the paws on that pup! He's gonna be a MONSTER!

Is he a mutt? Got at awfully fluffy coat going on there...

BTW I'd LOVE to come camp out with you to learn the bead stitchery but hubby would kill me. Not just the plane fare. Apparently seed beads in the bed are worse than cracker crumbs. But that's my fave place to work. And he HATES the noise they make when they get vacuumed up, too.

Awesome job on Suede so far!! He's really looking good!!
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Suede looks wonderful in beads! I think his eye looks great. This is just amazing work you're doing. You sound like you're as much a perfectionist in your beading as I used to be in my quilting. Can't do it much anymore (carpal tunnel), but I'd rip out quilting lines over and over.

BTW, I would have seen this sooner, but we just got back from the surgeon. He's extremely pleased with how I'm healing up. Says I can start trying to put weight on the foot with the big boot on and in three weeks, I can try regular shoes. The foot is very swollen so can'tcompletely put it flat on the floor, but as the swelling goes down, it will get easier.
hehehehe I work there too sometimes but DH gets over it. LOL

Casca is half Great Pyrenees (mom) and half Black Labrador (dad)...his dad is HUGE for a lab (about 110 lbs of solid muscle) and his mother is a average size GP about 130 lbs.

ssssssshhhhhhh that is Suede I am beading. Zane is the gorgeous spoiled BR rooster. hehehehe
We call it "perfectionist" DH calls is PITA. LOL The problem with enlarging his picture...it showed so much more detail and wellll dang it, the beads better show that too or out they come!
DH and I had this conversation last night...

DH: "I really like the way he looks it looks like his feathers are 3-D"

ME: "Ya think so do ya? Thanks Baby"

DH: "Honey, does she know how long you are taking?"

ME: "Yes, I post pictures of it as I go along"

DH: "Honey? Does she mind that you are being completely persnickity about it?"

ME: "No Smarty Pants...she does not mind

He swears that I will never do one this big again...WRONG. I am loving doing this rooster. hehehehehe
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YAY now when you can you hang out with a chicken? Did you tell this surgeon that it is imperative that MOM get down to the children as soon as possible?

I think it is cruelty on his part to make you stay away from Zane and Suede and Mace and Dutch and well all of them. Surgeon needs a good
he just does not understand.

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