Speckledhen **Beading is DONE Pg 39**

Okie dokie...the promised update. I am now adding the third blue into this boy's upper body and neck. Also, I am staging the definition of his hackles and back area. I will try to get a closer shot of the new blue....it is easier seen when looking at the piece. Not a huge change but a noticeable one....the pictures just did not show it as well as I had hoped.



Re: his head swelling. Well now, just add a huge attic area into his coop and his head will fit fine. He's worth the construction costs. Or he could always come over to Oregon and visit for a year or so, I'd build him his own palace and buy him a harem.
I dunno...I got the boy's pictures...he is BLUE dang it.

Not to mention...try finding a blue dark greyish sorta bead and a blue light greyish sorta bead...and and and.


P.S. I am noting for the records that Speckledhen did not reply to offer for visitation with his studliness. Nor the fact that I would buy him his very own harem....only for a year or two or three. *snicker*
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yeah okay...I do understand. Just talk it over with him. New condo of his own....a new harem of beauties...baked breakfasts...hugs

Ah nevermind, he would never go for it. He's a mama's boy I just know it.
Yeah. Like Suede wants to leave his comfy for the "Land of Lions."

Are you kidding me? My girls live in Fort Knox Jr. I shoot first, ask question after it is dead with four feet sticking in the air....anywhere near the coop. So far....no predator who has attempted entry has made it.

Besides....I would just give Suede an addition to the house so he could watch TV with his harem.
I would be petrified that something would happen to him...he might sneeze or over eat or or or .... I'd be a basket case with that Roo around.

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