SpeckledHen Eggs Round #2 -Day #22 10:45 am - 9 Hatch -2 Pips -3 to go

As of 10:45 am , here are the stats:
MEG - 2 Hatched, 1 Waiting
BEE - 1 Hatched, 1 PIP, 1 Piped but died
BR - 6 Hatched, 1 PIP, 2 Waiting

BR babies are from 1 Ivy, 1 Becca, 1 Hannah, 1 Amanda, 1 Bess and 1 Unmarked
BEE babie is from Julie
Yeap - It is June - Great big egg.

As of now 4/10/2009 1:00 pm

1 more Barred EE is actively zipping.
1 Amanda BR is actively zipping.
1 Meg egg - OK - I helped. I poked a very small hole in it and now it is pipping away.
As of 2:45 pm , here are the stats:
MEG - 2 Hatched, 1 Zipping
BEE - 2 Hatched, 1 Piped but died
BR - 7 Hatched, 2 Waiting - candled and nothing moving, once Meg's last chick is out, I will most likely check these two further.

So best case, I think I will end up with 12 chicks out of 16 that moved to the hatcher out of 19 that started developing. Another great hatch.

BR babies are from 1 Ivy, 1 Becca, 1 Hannah, 2 Amanda, 1 Bess and 1 Unmarked
BEE babies are from Julie and Unmarked
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So Cynthia - Can you sex the Barred Easter Eggers like you can the Barred Rocks? BTW - Number 2 I think is going to be black also, but I am cool with that.
Yeap it is finished.

MEG - 2 Hatched
Blue Orpington - 1 Hathced
BEE - 2 Hatched, 1 Piped but died
BR - 7 Hatched, 2 never pipped, fully developed but never pipped.

The last MEG egg had not done anything yesterday around lunch, so I poked a very small hole in the top to make sure it had enough air. It then pipped about half way around the egg. I finally removed the top. It then struggled for hours trying to get out of the egg. In the end, I pulled it out around 5 last night. It was so tightly packed in the, it was no wonder it could not get out. It slept all evening. I left it in the hatcher alone and this morning, it is a beautiful Blue Orpington, not a sign of brown on it (no Meg like colors at all), so I think it is actually from one of your blue girls and not Meg, but hey, I am cool with that.

It does have curled toes, again I think a symptom of being so tightly packed in the egg. I have put some Band Aid splints on its feet and it is getting around better. I am keeping in seperate for another day to keep an eye on it.

BR babies are from 1 Ivy, 1 Becca, 1 Hannah, 2 Amanda, 1 Bess and 1 Unmarked
BEE babies are from Julie and Unmarked

Here are some pictures.

Barred Easter Eggers - I think there is one boy and one girl

Barred Rock Group - High portion of girls

Complete Group

Meg's Babies - They are adorable.

Cynthia - You need to start a thread of Meg's babies..... You start with a picture of her. And put a picture of Suede up there to. We can never have too many pictures of Suede. Then everyone who has her babies can add pictures of her offspring.

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