Spider Spray kill birds?


8 Years
Feb 6, 2013
We have two or three month old chickens dying one right after the other. The only thing that we did different. Is my son sprayed spider spray one night in the barn. The next day we had a bird dead. The next week we had three dead. We're not sure if that's what it is or if there's something else
Personally I have no idea. But, it might help others that do have an idea if you were to look on the can and post the active ingredients. Spider sprays don't just kill spiders, they kill other critters/bugs, too. So the chickens might could be gobbling up dead bugs in addition to dead spiders. Spray may have gotten on feed or in water...anything is possible, though. And, it could have nothing to do with the spider spray.

These chickens are showing symptoms before they die, aren't they? What are those symptoms?

Best wishes,
Personally I have no idea. But, it might help others that do have an idea if you were to look on the can and post the active ingredients. Spider sprays don't just kill spiders, they kill other critters/bugs, too. So the chickens might could be gobbling up dead bugs in addition to dead spiders. Spray may have gotten on feed or in water...anything is possible, though. And, it could have nothing to do with the spider spray.

These chickens are showing symptoms before they die, aren't they? What are those symptoms?

Best wishes,

Any symptoms?
Posting the ingredients of the spray may help.
Also was it aerosol, pump spray, etc., and where exactly was the spray applied.
I think he sprayed here and there and by open windows near the brooder.

The next day I took the birds and move the pen out into the wind just in case.

But I did not think about removing the water or their feed.

Before they die they just look really tired like they will fall asleep.
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We have two or three month old chickens dying one right after the other. The only thing that we did different. Is my son sprayed spider spray one night in the barn. The next day we had a bird dead. The next week we had three dead. We're not sure if that's what it is or if there's something else
You mention the spray was used at night, were the birds roosting or had gone to bed when the spray was applied?
Wondering if that is the case, then the spray affected their respiratory system. It's possible it may have gotten in the water and caused toxicity.

It's also possible it could have just been a coincidence, so keep an eye on them, if you see any more symptoms of lethargy, etc., be sure to post and we'll take a different route.

I really don't know and I'm so sorry for your loss.

Depending on what kind of spiders, I know my chickens love them, every morning they stalk the run and coop looking for any overnight crawlies that may have appeared. But it looks like what you used is similar to Pyrethrin based insecticides which are commonly used around chickens/livestock, but you may want to research it. Aerosol may not be the best to use unless the coop/barn is empty and has plenty of time to air out and the product is dried.

Let us know how the rest are doing.

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