spiders everywhere


8 Years
Mar 29, 2011
Southern California
Hi, I have stopped having a pest control company spray in my backyard since we started keeping chickens. In that time, we have seen the spider population get crazy. I wouldn't mind so much, but it's mostly brown and black widows. I have young children, and a small dog.The spiders are in my fruit trees, along the fence, near the edges of the house exterior, heck, I even have to watch myself when I turn on the hose. I would like to know of something safe to spray that will eradicate the spider population without being dangerous to the birds. Anyone have any ideas?
Best thing I have found is Demon WP. It is safe for use around humans and animals. It can even be used indoors. Just need to let it dry before anyone comes in contact with it. It leaves a residual film that kills all insects, including spiders and "Palmetto bugs."

You will not be organic if you use it, though, if that is what you are going for. Some people use orange based insect spray, but I've never seen it work on spiders.

I have my share of black and brown widows.
If you are free ranging your chickens and have that many spiders, you are over feeding your chickens. A chicken that sees a moving bug or spder should attack and eat it. A spider is the easiest of all bugs to kill, even the use of hair spray will do the job. You don't need those atomic bomb chemicals that kill everything. Some of those spiders are even good to have around, just not those that are poisonous.
Black and brown widows live mainly in holes or crevices or under buckets or bricks. The chickens have yet to learn how to lift all those things to get to them. I find them when I stick my hand someplace before looking.

Mole crickets or palmetto bugs, however, get nailed by the first chicken to see them.
I do not let them free range while I am at work. I don't want dead birds, so it is not their fault I have spiders. Than you for the suggestions though.

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