
I'm new to spitzhaubens and was wondering if someone could answer a question for me...

I have 4 silver spangled chicks from a hatchery. Three have white wing/tail feathers coming in. The other one has very dark feathers starting in. Is this a quality issue or do the genders feather different or just a random observation? Any insight is welcome.

I can get pictures tomorrow if anyone is curious. TIA

Take lots of picks & watch them as they grow out. Their colors change so much as they grow out that it's tough to know how they'll look until they're big. I haven't seen gender differences as color concentration. Sometimes the pullets will have bigger, fluffier crests than the cockerels, but watching for waddle buds & combs is a more reliable indication of gender.

I'm sure they're cute! Please post pics
Here is my test hatch that Pyxis incubated for me - isn't the spitz so cute ! The others are a mix from my hen that is over 5 years old and still laying HUGE and consistent eggs -so I decided to see she passed that on to peeps ... just for the large eggs :)
Here are my 3 spitz chicks. They're supposed to be silver appenzeller spitzhaubens, but they are so much lighter than the ones I hatched last year. These came from Cackle via the local Farm N Fleet store.

They borrowed a guitar from Barbie for this pic.
Here are my 3 spitz chicks. They're supposed to be silver appenzeller spitzhaubens, but they are so much lighter than the ones I hatched last year. These came from Cackle via the local Farm N Fleet store. They borrowed a guitar from Barbie for this pic.
Adorable, have to redo it as they grow with that same guitar. Esp. once their punk rock "hair" grows it.
My Spitzhaubens are just starting to grow in their "Spitz"
No idea what genders yet. I just took lots of pics & some close ups so I may compare at a later date when I eventually do figure out the genders.

Chick A

Chick B

Chick C

Looking cute!

My Spitz eggs hatched, I think I got 5 total.

A bunch of eggs either didn't start or died midway through. I am pretty sure due to the fact that many of the eggs were almost frozen.. probably damaged them just a bit too much. :confused: Everything that made it to hatch hatched. So I think I will call it a good set.

Of the ones hatched I think one will be gold with black spots, and the rest are gold/cream with white spots (Chamois color).

Pretty cool.

I have a much bigger set of eggs to put in the incubator tomorrow, but I had one darker egg (an EE), that I couldn't see well enough when I candled...so am giving it an extra day.
Look at the big changes in less than 1 week!

Pics below are all the same chick. (chick a) I'm trying to carefully document the growth so that perhaps I can go back & figure out some early ways to identify gender. ( Last year it took me about 5 weeks! There's got to be some clues to figure it out sooner.)


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