Spoiled chicken?!?!?!?


9 Years
Jul 4, 2010
Can you spoil a chicken, lol? This is my first time owning chickens and a little 6 week old pullet and I have become friends, she sleeps in the bend of my elbow as the others play, if I put her down she bumps her chest on my foot or hops up and down til I pick her up. She really loves hanging out in my lap or arms. I enjoy bonding with her but wonder if it is a bad idea to keep holding her, What do you think? Thanks Becky

Here's a pic of her in my arms, I named her Snuggles, she really is a love.

We were afraid to handle our chicks too much, and once they moved outside they always ran away from us. So I guess I've vote for treasuring the companionship. When we have to catch them to clip wings or something, it is utterly exhausting and traumatic. Though I think it's getting better now that they squat.
Snuggles doesn't run, lol... she softly coos til I pick her up, she grooms herself in my arms, tries to eat my freckles and loves just hanging out, dozing in and out. If a bug flies by she perks right up and watches it but makes no effort to get down. Sometimes when I put her down she'll go play and mingle, but if I go to leave she follows me to the fence line. I love it but wonder if I'll be lugging a 15 pound chicken around in a year or so, lol!!!
i just looooved your post!!! first timer here as well and i knew that i had over done the spoiling when they wouldnt eat dandellions off the coop floor, only out of my hands

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