Spooky Broody!

I work from 5am to 4pm every day. Will it cause problems if one hatches while Im at work? I dont have anyone at home for those hours for 2 days. im very concerned she will leave the nest after 2 or 3 hatch! :idunno
She should stay on the nest for a day or two after the first one hatches. Some broodies will attack their chicks, so that's the main concern with a novice hen when the eggs start to hatch.

Occasionally an adventurous chick will wander off too, and chill or get attacked by other chickens, so having them well confined will help avoid that.
My black copper Maran went broody last year, so I gave in and let her sit on 9 eggs. 8 of which hatched! I let her stay in the nest box for as long as I could-but she too had the favorite box. so my husband built a box for her with plywood and mesh doors so I could swing them open and give her food and water. it had enough space for her to get up and stretch her legs if she wanted too. also plenty big enough for when the babies hatched to run around. we screwed it to the way above the other girls' nest boxes. I feel like it kept her more calm since she was separated and no one could get to her eggs. I zip tied her foot so I knew which one might go broody again this year.



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Well, today is Day 18 ... no "peeping" activity under Miss Broody as far as I can tell. This isn't unexpected, as her clutch is likely composed of random eggs laid over a three day window.

Amusingly, The Daughter was out checking the coop this morning, and happened to time it juuust right to coincide with Miss Broody's morning constitutional. She (the daughter) counted 9 eggs ... which means Miss Broody snatched two additional eggs after we removed the two broken ones back on April 25th. Haven't got a clue when they went under ... gonna have to improvise an incubator should the timing work poorly.

Oh, and Miss Broody was all "I'm all that" with the poof and the attitude when she was out in the run this morning.
My plan is to take the babies away asap as each one hatches, thought Ive read that the mom can get stressed by this. What can I do to minimise her discomfort as I remove the babies?
Out of curiosity, why would you remove the babies from their momma? She will instinctively brood, and protect those little ones, and do it 24/7. I would let her be the momma she is showing you she can be.
Out of curiosity, why would you remove the babies from their momma? She will instinctively brood, and protect those little ones, and do it 24/7. I would let her be the momma she is showing you she can be.
Broody raised chicks can become very wild if the mother is flighty. I remove them to make them tamer, I believe the OP has the same reasons.
I kind of wished I would have removed the babies from my broody last time. I can't even get near them without them squawking and flying away from me. my hand raised babies from an incubator-i can walk up to them and pick them up no problem.
Im removing them to tame them down. The mothers are all spooky. I got them as pullets and they didnt have much interaction with people. Im hoping that I can tame these guys a little by hand raising them. I got 5 little australorp chicks last saturday too that always come running as soon as I speak to them, and they just hatch saturday morning! :love
Awww sorry about your baby MigraineMan. :hugs

Well, Im still hearing peeping noises, but no chicks yet. Im thinking the baby is pipped but taking his time lol:fl

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