

9 Years
Apr 29, 2010
Yesterday I had to help a chick out of it's shell because the membrane dried to it. The chick seemed ok but I think it might have spraddle in one leg. The one leg sticks straight out behind it. When you turn it onto it's back it starts kicking, so both legs work. It can't stand because of that leg. It it spraddle? Can I try to fix it like you normaly would fix spraddle? If it's not, what is it? Is it a birth defect? Thank You!

I have a chick that just hatched the same way! I tried the make-up sponge but that didn't work-it kept slipping out of it. Today I used a cut and bent pipe cleaner and some paper tape to the hock area (can you tell I was a horse person?) and then splinted the two legs together. I have kept it in a marj tub in the bator. Have given it sips of water and mash to eat today. I think it is better with this set up but you are right they can't stand up other wise. It can if it can get the good leg under it.

PS I searched here to find lots of information on what to do first. Hope this helps.
Thanks- you did help- we used a band-aid to keep the legs together. I have given it sugar water, food, and scrambled egg. It seems to be doing a little better, it can kind of stand now. Nobody thinks it will make it except me. I hope your little guy/gal gets better soon.
My chick was the same, She is now nearly three weeks old and is standing and walking with a surgical tape hobble on. She couldn't walk very well to start with and I thought she would get better on her own, BUT in a matter of days she was so much worse, just about doing the splits. I tried band-aids but they would come off after only 5 or so. I then found a thread on here that said to use surgical tape. She has not been able to get it off and after about an hour she stopped trying. She now holds herself up and can walk. i will take the tape off in a few more days and let her try on her own.
My chick was not moving much and just flopping around the first couple of days. The splint helped a lot, but it appeared as though it was putting its hip out of wack. I took the splint off last night as it was doing quite well and I wanted to make sure the skin was intact underneath. The leg immediately twisted back to an inward turn. The chick holds it up near its belly but at least it is not straight backward. It does attempt to put weight on it but will fall over. Has found out what mash is and is perky as a normal chick otherwise. I put a Gatoraide lid up on a washcloth for it to eat out of. It made itself a nest out of the washcloth and now can pick up food from the floor. Looks like we may be out of the woods.

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