Spring 2011 RAISE-A-LONG!

OMG. All of those adorable pictures of chicks are making me wish that hatches took less than 3 weeks...
I'm only on the very beginning of day 3 out of 21.
Congratulations to Breshcandra and early ones to Katoo1!

Here's a story that ONLY BYC'ers could possibly care about...

My first chickens ever are 2.5 weeks old right now, and a few of them hopped out of the brooder as I was cleaning it this morning. No big deal, I let them do that a lot and I'm sitting right there with the dustpan. One of the cats slunk around the side of the shavings bag, clearly in stalk mode, and Leona gave a distress peep and she and Magellan hopped right into my lap!

It's so nice to be Safe Spot instead of Big Scary Hand Lady.
That's awesome!

Mine are only a few days old and they still cheep and run

PLUS.. there's this little guy I had to make a chick chair for. Seems he might have slipped tendons from what I have read.


Made braces and the chair last night.. Feel like at least I've tried everything for him
I was bad this weekend
my father in law called my hubby and told him to tel me that our local co-op has chicks so I stopped in and picked up 3 blue analusians(sp) and one silver spankle they are straight run so i'm hoping I have girls and then I went to another farm supply store the next day which is an hour away because the tech I asked to check if they had silkies said they did so I went and got 2 they have feathers on their feet they are black/blonde. I have pics I just have to upload them and the girls got their first taste of a bug this weekend too and it was gone in the blink of an eye. My biggest girl Tink is also starting to get her feathers and this morning I put some feed in my hand and most all of them ate out of it.
I've been bad for a week and a half and shale continue this week although im only starting my flock again but ill be a baaaaaaad boy as long as chicks are in stock lmao
so I got 2 juvenile barred rocks 1 Roo 1 hen
4 RIR all Chicks
and 4 Araucanas all Chicks
this week my local feed barn will be getting black Australorps and Buff orphingtons so i might be getting 8 more
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Here are pics of my new babies and a group shot of everyone in a chickie pile asleep

group shot


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