Spring chicken order - keeping everyone happy

Autumn Leaves

5 Years
Aug 31, 2014
Cincinnati Ohio
I LOVE the color of the Sicilian Buttercups but I have read about how flighty they are and I have my chickens as pets. I'm afraid they would hate being stuck in my run.

I would like to find a chicken with that coloring that would fit in with my flock.

Considering: Sicilian Buttercup, Golden Campine and Golden Pencilied Hamburgs. Which breed do you all think would fit best with my flock?

Location: Ohio, can be -15F in winter and 100F in summer.
Birds are not free ranged due to predator issues, have a safe coop and large run. They do get out in the yard supervised but it is only for a few hours a week.

Current flock: Barred Rock, Dark Brahma, Australorp, New Hampshire, Columbian Cochin
Adding in Spring: Black Sex Link, Welsummer, Olive Egger, Partridge Brahama, Cream Brabanter, Cream Legbar
Dang, I was thinking it was true but I'm in denial. I would hate for them to be unhappy.

Maybe I could just get some Red Quill Dutch Bantams to get the color.
I gave it a look - thanks for the link.

I'll get some Old English Game girls. Seems most people find them very friendly to their people and their small size means they won't mind hanging out in a tractor.

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