May 25, 2020 #1 A Ajd1126 In the Brooder May 24, 2020 23 37 41 If I have pullets that will start to lay in the fall, will they skip their fall molt and lay through it?
If I have pullets that will start to lay in the fall, will they skip their fall molt and lay through it?
May 25, 2020 #2 CrazyCrttr75 Free Ranging Apr 21, 2018 2,567 14,809 702 Robertson County, TN While molting can be a seasonal thing, age also plays a factor. Your new pullets will lay first and shouldn't have a molt until the following year. At least that is how it worked out for mine.
While molting can be a seasonal thing, age also plays a factor. Your new pullets will lay first and shouldn't have a molt until the following year. At least that is how it worked out for mine.
May 25, 2020 #3 rosemarythyme Scarborough Fair 8 Years Jul 3, 2016 26,580 56,578 1,232 WA, Pac NW My Coop My Coop Pullets don't normally molt their first year, so you should get eggs through their first winter.