Springfield Township, MOntgomery COunty , Pennsylvania


9 Years
Nov 6, 2010
I have done a search and came up empty. I am looking for info on the chicken buying cooperative in Springfierld township montgomery county, pa. read an article about back yard chicken raising during the past year in the Springfield sun. I am in Erdenehim and would like to meet others in the township that are also raising backyard chickens.
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hi, i am in erdenheim and starting to research getting chickens. i saw your post and wanted to touch base. maybe you live really close to me, i am on atwood.
leslie mcdevitt

Hi Leslie, I am on Bells Mill road with six hens 2- Rhode island reds, 2 Brahmas and 2 bared rocks - a wonderful flock of birds. Still looking for the cooperative but haven't had much luck. Let me know if you would like to meet the girls and see their set up.

I am in oreland and my chicks arrive thursday. Do you have chickens? I'd like to meet some others who have chickens in springfield township.

I know this is an older thread now, but I’m near La Salle off Cheltenham with 10 chickens. Thought we had 10 all pullets with 2 ISA Browns, 3 White Leghorns, 2 RIR, 2 Golden Comets, and 1 Easter Egger but just found out today the EE is a cockerel! So guess we’ll be down to 9 soon 🤦🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️

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