"Springing in the Chicks" 2016 April Hatch-a-Long Hosted by Mike & Sally

Those white ones are quail eggs....
For those unawares I am doing an experiment with this hatch

I let 5 of the quail eggs sit in 100 degree vinegar, checked with a thermo, for between 5 and 6 minutes.

I hope to be able to candle Coturnix Quail eggs more easily by removing the "paint" on the shell.

I only selected less than 12 grams eggs for this purpose, selected at random. I would like to see if this decreases Hatchability, or is neutral.
For those unawares I am doing an experiment with this hatch

I let 5 of the quail eggs sit in 100 degree vinegar, checked with a thermo, for between 5 and 6 minutes.

I hope to be able to candle Coturnix Quail eggs more easily by removing the "paint" on the shell.

I only selected less than 12 grams eggs for this purpose, selected at random. I would like to see if this decreases Hatchability, or is neutral.
Sweet!! Updated your info on the members article.
ress.. this is what I have for the members of the HAL. I will need to fill in information as I get it.




@jnr005 will be setting April 1 or 2nd.. EE, copper marans, olive eggers.


@Yorkshire coop Brisea 20. Needs prayers for fertile eggs.Picking Tolbunt polish eggs up tomorrow, so
they should be hatching April 8th ish

@Razadia Barnyard mutts

@chickygirl7 Looking for duck and polish eggs to hatch


@Laurel Meadows Aliak J&TRanch... Hatch date planned for April1 Blue and splash Marans. plans to stagger hatch with cochin eggs in a week or so.


@tao chick Mad chicken labs?? building an incubator from a mini fridge which will start a set soon, hopefully. I have 15 Cream Brabanter due to hatch April 1st that are set in my MacGyverbator. I am considering building an incubator out of an electric grill and an old oven. I have to make a few changes to my barn before I can put all the egg incubating devices in my Mad Chicken Lab.


@mamahmendez Brinse 20 Looking for ancona duck eggs


@jwlpoultry I have an update but to lazy to work with numbers at the moment.....but I have goose eggs, chickens eggs,and duck eggs all due for an April hatch. Will let you know on numbers later.

@sarah25bear I will be setting on April 10th not sure what all I will be hatching. I am going to take the weekend of May 1st off hoping they hatch on my birthday!!!

@deserteggs22 Barnyard mixes

@FeatherCreek 2 Royal Palm Turkey eggs Due April 1

@Purpletie3 hatching a dozen ? in March?

@blkjak setting late in April


@CLSranch Dark cornish due on April 2nd.



@Sueg4332 Set Hen turkey eggs. 5/6 5/5

@pjnbill22 6 cockoo bluebar, EE, Plymoth mutts.

@Susieq2015 March 28 and April 18 Saphires

Okay so I have decided what I am going to set. I am going to set Wood Duck eggs, Silkies, SLP, and BLRW. I will be using a LG 9300 with a replaced thermostat by Incukit as my incubator, them I will be using the farm innovators for hatching if I need it. If I set my wood duck eggs a week before then I should be okay to hatch in the LG if not then I will need to transfer.
super excited!!



@Brittsplace 9 silkie eggs for son
@Nin315 Auction bought Black and blue copper marans. and white silkies from Elvis and Marylinn.

@jphendrix 18 eggs set, hatchdate April 3 Aiming for a staggered hatch due April 10

@Sally Sunshine color coded calendar with color coded eggs in the bator right Overachiever.. lol

@mlm Mike

@lindalouly Coolerator build to hatch quail eggs and mixed mutts in April.

@firedragon1982 Set 14 silkie eggs this morning, to go along with my Lav Cuckoo D'Anvers eggs and Golden Necked D'Uccle eggs. Now I just need a bantam coop....

@jewelsong i ordered some Orpington eggs and will also set some Jersey Giant eggs, some RIR's and some RIR/EE mixes... hopefully I will have them ready to set this weekend? that is my hope anyway.... can't wait for chicks!

@brightpennies 5 fertile chicken eggs under my banty (who has never been a mom before), 7 fertile chicken eggs in the 'bator, and 15 unknown duck eggs in the 'bator to boot. We'll see what we get. This is all for science since my only prior attempt to hatch with a broody Pekin went horribly awry. Potential due dates are April 4 and 11. I guess we'll see how it goes!
@KeyFlock Hi all! I set 37 eggs yesterday, due to hatch on April 4th. They are a barnyard mix. Rhode Island Red rooster and Barred Rock X White Leghorn rooster. Hen wise I have: Black sex link, Red sex link, RIR, Barred Rock, White Leghorn, Brown Leghorn, Barred Rock crosses, and a Light Brahma. Looking forward to adorable chickies!
Feel free to correct me. LOL

@butterfliesdoku Bielefelders, Legbars and Easter Eggers!

@ChickenGrass Hope to be setting cream legbars in April.

@speney I will be setting eggs the first of April I'm just not sure what kind yet it depends on what I can get my hands on lol

@heatherledet We're set! Well the eggs are!
Day 2! Due on the 4th!

@country lovin On the waiting list for some cream legbar eggs so I might be in!

@hereorthere Just have a variety of BCMs, Welsummers, and Olive Egger's. Prolly more Olives - can't wait to see what hatches.

@harrellkd I'll be putting more eggs in the first of April

@Honora I will be setting Orpington eggs from Papa's Poultry again. I just sold my cockerel a couple of weeks ago & he had just been starting to mate the hens so I might throw in a couple of my hens' eggs as well & see if anything hatches. Those would be half lemon cuckoo Orp and half bbs bantam Orp if any hatch. Now that I think of it I should probably check a few & see if they look fertile.

@CoopDeDoo I am getting some eggs to put under my broody this weekend - should hatch April 8th(ish)

@firedragon1982 hopping into the HAL a little late. Just received 12 D'uccle and 6 D'Anvers eggs...

Holy organizational skills Batman!!! That's a whole lotta tracking!

Here's my update.....didn't post it last night as we had a bit of sunny dry weather yesterday, and a little start of yard work ended up being an all day deal. Was nursing some sore biceps from lugging around that weed-wacker all day, as well as a sore back! Oi vey! Hit day 14 last night - air cells look good, but am already down to 13% weight loss on majority of my eggs. Upped the humidity a tad as I was worried I'd already sucked the life outta them and mummified them all before lock-down.
But all 25 eggs are good. It's a barnyard mix as I've got 2 competing males - a Wellie roo and a mutt roo who's Wellie x BCM (is it the male x female in these equations?). Am leaving on an outing tomorrow and will be back to take the Brinsea off the turner and go into lockdown Sunday night. So will keep you updated.

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