"Springing in the Chicks" 2016 April Hatch-a-Long Hosted by Mike & Sally

Already workin on it..... Just not near finished.
Hi everyone! I hope I am posting in the right place to join the Hatch-a-Long, this is my first time. I live in Alaska and I am completely new to chickens. I just built a brooder and bought my first four chicks this weekend (three cream legbars and a jubilee orpington mix), and then I have eight eggs that I just set on April 3. Four eggs are Svarthona and four are lavender Orpington. I have a used incubator that is tiny and I think it is of dubious reliability, so I have another one on order from Amazon that will hopefully put me more at ease. I am undertaking this with only the guidance of the internet, and I'm happy to have found BackYard Chickens! Good luck, April hatchers!!

Welcome! Please post pix of your brooder. I just installed two new home-built brooders last week. Mine are plywood and hardware cloth construction. Each has two compartments, one with an "always on" light fixture and the other with a thermostat-controlled light fixture. I'll take pix later unless the HAL moderator objects. Currently running a Farm Innovations 4250 'bator.
@lindalouly List is current to this post (I think)

People please tag Linda to get on the list or if you're on the list twice
and also tag her with updates please.

A work in progress.. this is what I have for the members of the HAL. I will need to fill in information as I get it.

@BantyChooks 10 OEGB x silkie eggs under a broody 3/29!

@Chaos18 set 17 Ancona Duck eggs 4/2

@campingshaws 12 isbars, 4 bielefelder, 4 merlerault, 4 niederrhiner, 5 EE, 2 HRIR x ?, 1 BCM x?, 1 polish x ?, 1 cochin x ?, 1 ??? X ???

@jnr005 will be setting April 1 or 2nd.. EE, copper marans, olive eggers.


@Yorkshire coop Brisea 20. Day 18 update on the Tolbunt polish!!
14 have made it to lockdown and are looking good

I can hear peeping from the Tolbunt eggs!

@Razadia Barnyard mutts


@Laurel Meadows Aliak J&TRanch... Hatch date planned for April1 Blue and splash Marans. plans to stagger hatch with cochin eggs in a week or so.

@howfunkyisurchicken 7 Emu eggs that are finally wiggling.

@tao chick Mad chicken labs?? building an incubator from a mini fridge which will start a set soon, hopefully. I have 15 Cream Brabanter due to hatch April 1st that are set in my MacGyverbator. I am considering building an incubator out of an electric grill and an old oven. I have to make a few changes to my barn before I can put all the egg incubating devices in my Mad Chicken Lab.
1 in lockdown due to hatch tomorrow
7 in bator due to lockdown the 6th, hatch 9th
11 in bator due to lockdown the 9th, hatch 12th
3 in bator due to lockdown the 12th, hatch 15th

I'm probably going to set 12 more this weekend.

Of the hatch for a friend eggs, I had 6 hatch
, 6 DIS
. 1 hatched 3/31, but 5 hatched 4/1. I currently have 13 Salmon Favorelle and 13 of my silkie eggs going in to lockdown on 4/4. I have 6 EE and 6 backyard mix eggs from a friend, plus 13 shipped blue/buff Cochin and 2 of my silkie eggs set on 3/27. 6 shipped silkie eggs, 12 auto sexing EEs and 19 frizzled EEs set on 4/1, but I snuck 6 more shipped silkie eggs in tonight! nm still waiting for some more eggs that should arrive in a day or two. Not sure how many, or what kinds, but I have space in the incubator - waiting for them!

@mamahmendez Brinse 20 Looking for ancona duck eggs 12 eggs from neighbors farm
18 eggs from Farmers Market, sold as fertile
30 eggs set, Due 3/31 - 4/1 (I set late at night)

I woke up to 11 peepers this morning and 2 on the way.
Of my 11:
1 has one eye shut, I will follow the advise previously given. I think it is just stick shut with gunk, I hope.
1 has not completely absorbed the yoke sack but it isn't really bad.
2 hatched - they look kinda dinosaur-ish, but are moving around and active.
9 pipped - some right on air cell line some below
3 - have broken piece of shell off but not gone through the white membrane part, searched and found no additional info so I don't know if this is concerning


@jwlpoultry I have an update but to lazy to work with numbers at the moment.....but I have goose eggs, chickens eggs,and duck eggs all due for an April hatch. Will let you know on numbers later.

@sarah25bear I will be setting on April 10th not sure what all I will be hatching. I am going to take the weekend of May 1st off hoping they hatch on my birthday!!!

@deserteggs22 Barnyard mixes

@FeatherCreek 2 Royal Palm Turkey eggs Due April 1

@Purpletie3 Well, I tried to put my 114 eggs in lockdown and they wouldn't fit. So, I have some silkie and honas that don't have a hatching spot and are still in the turners. I had better development than I predicted.

@blkjak setting late in April


set 45 eggs on saturday morning! 5 CCL, 12 BLRW, the rest are english jubilee orps! some of those are a week old, but they went in anyway, we'll see how well they do. Gave them all a vent trim and put my own roo in with them since I know he is fertile....

Should have lots of chicks on the 23rd!!

@CLSranch Dark cornish due on April 2nd.



@Sueg4332 Set Hen turkey eggs. 5/6 5/5

@pjnbill22 6 cockoo bluebar, EE, Plymoth mutts. Three incubators holding 105 eggs.

@Susieq2015 March 28 and April 18 Saphires

Okay so I have decided what I am going to set. I am going to set Wood Duck eggs, Silkies, SLP, and BLRW. I will be using a LG 9300 with a replaced thermostat by Incukit as my incubator, them I will be using the farm innovators for hatching if I need it. If I set my wood duck eggs a week before then I should be okay to hatch in the LG if not then I will need to transfer.
super excited!!So I set 8 BLRW, 3 SS, 1 BCM / RIR cross, 10 SLP eggs, and 4 SLP crosses on March 30th. I also have another 12 silkie eggs coming in next week that I am going to manually turn and up the humidity and hope for a better hatch than 0% the last time I tried silkies.


@Saris Just set 9 Bielefelders and 15 Ameraucana!

@Brittsplace I am on lock down, can't wait all 8 fertile eggs have made it this far. sooooo hopefully will have a good hatch this time

@Nin315 Auction bought Black and blue copper marans. and white silkies from Elvis and Marylinn.

@jphendrix 18 eggs set, hatchdate April 3 Aiming for a staggered hatch due April 10

@Sally Sunshine color coded calendar with color coded eggs in the bator right Overachiever.. lol (Hatching a chit load of eggs) yer silly LOULY LOVE!!

@mlm Mike I'm setting 7 Icelandic Eggs.

@lindalouly Coolerator build to hatch quail eggs and mixed mutts in April.

@firedragon1982 Set 14 silkie eggs this morning, to go along with my Lav Cuckoo D'Anvers eggs and Golden Necked D'Uccle eggs. Now I just need a bantam coop....

@jewelsong i ordered some Orpington eggs and will also set some Jersey Giant eggs, some RIR's and some RIR/EE mixes... hopefully I will have them ready to set this weekend? that is my hope anyway.... can't wait for chicks!

@brightpennies 5 fertile chicken eggs under my banty (who has never been a mom before), 7 fertile chicken eggs in the 'bator, and 15 unknown duck eggs in the 'bator to boot. We'll see what we get. This is all for science since my only prior attempt to hatch with a broody Pekin went horribly awry. Potential due dates are April 4 and 11. I guess we'll see how it goes!


@KeyFlock Hi all! I set 37 eggs yesterday, due to hatch on April 4th. They are a barnyard mix. Rhode Island Red rooster and Barred Rock X White Leghorn rooster. Hen wise I have: Black sex link, Red sex link, RIR, Barred Rock, White Leghorn, Brown Leghorn, Barred Rock crosses, and a Light Brahma. Looking forward to adorable chickies!
Feel free to correct me. LOL

@butterfliesdoku Bielefelders, Legbars and Easter Eggers! I have 15 Easter Eggers and 11 Silver Grey Dorking eggs due the 21st

@ChickenGrass I have a broody hen due to hatch 9 eggs
On the ninth of April
And I set 24 eggs today in my incubator Cream Legbars

@speney I will be setting eggs the first of April I'm just not sure what kind yet it depends on what I can get my hands on lol

@heatherledet We're set! Well the eggs are!
Day 2! Due on the 4th! I have 4 old english bb reds and 5 phoenix crosses(mutts) locked down today!

@country lovin On the waiting list for some cream legbar eggs so I might be in! n 3/25- set 7 cream legbar, 7 sapphire, 5 Sally's projects, 7 lavender Orpington.Day 7 candle update. 1 Sally's projects, 3 saphires, and 4 Cream legbar had blood rings. That leaves 4 projects, 4 sapphire, 3 cream legbar and 7 Lavender Orpington.

@hereorthere Just have a variety of BCMs, Welsummers, and Olive Egger's. Prolly more Olives - can't wait to see what hatches. Hit day 14 last night - air cells look good, but am already down to 13% weight loss on majority of my eggs. Upped the humidity a tad as I was worried I'd already sucked the life outta them and mummified them all before lock-down.
But all 25 eggs are good. It's a barnyard mix as I've got 2 competing males - a Wellie roo and a mutt roo who's Wellie x BCM (is it the male x female in these equations?). Am leaving on an outing tomorrow and will be back to take the Brinsea off the turner and go into lockdown Sunday night.

@harrellkd I'll be putting more eggs in the first of April

@Honora I am on lockdown too, good luck with your hatch! I have 8 eggs in right now but a couple looked a little off so I don't think all of mine will hatch. The air cells were too small in a couple of them & they looked really dark. We'll see what happens; I hope I get a few at least.
So the remaining eggs are 6 black/lavender cuckoo Orpington sex links (males will be cuckoo, females solid black or lavender), and 2 chocolate cuckoo Orps. Really looking forward to chickies hatching next week!

@CoopDeDoo I am getting some eggs to put under my broody this weekend - should hatch April 8th(ish)

@firedragon1982 hopping into the HAL a little late. Just received 12 D'uccle and 6 D'Anvers eggs...

@LocalYokel QuailI let 5 of the quail eggs sit in 100 degree vinegar, checked with a thermo, for between 5 and 6 minutes.

I hope to be able to candle Coturnix Quail eggs more easily by removing the "paint" on the shell.
The quail eggs put in vinegar are veining nicely
I only selected less than 12 grams eggs for this purpose, selected at random. I would like to see if this decreases Hatchability, or is neutral. 12 Leghorns and 6 RIR and quail is undetermined....

@Coreenelane My incubator made by grandson and class mate will be free to set more eggs around April 10th. Right now eggs are being incubated for a science project that both boys are working on. The second clutch is in a large dog crate in the class mates garage. The hen was given 6 eggs from other chickens and showed signs of broodiness before the science project started. The next day she laid an egg and pushed out 3 of the original eggs. Next day she laid another and is sitting on them. Hope to learn a lot and incubate more eggs. Grandkids showing chickens in 4-H and selling eggs. Hens are paying for the feed and I want to breed and sell chickens. Candled some Sultun eggs today and so far so good. Trying to separate silkis and Sultuns so I don't have any cross breading. I think my silkis are starting to lay but not sure. I am finding very light cream small eggs but I thought I read somewhere that they laid peewee size eggs.

@emvickrey I plan on putting my new bator to use this year.

@jrc85 firing up the incubator. I'm going to say 4 under her they are mallard pekn mix

@Mirajane Firing up the incubator to see what she can hatch

@chicken19 I have some chicks that I'm hatching right now. They are 12 americaunas, 12 production reds, and 2 caramel queens.

@DwayneNLiz I will be setting around 40 eggs I think, mostly barnyard mutts, and the guy at the Napa down the road is giving me 2 dozen bantam/Silkies. Going to use my neighbors incubator-she's had good luck with it. Probably set them on Saturday 3/26 So currently I have 41 eggs in my borrowed bator and daycare has 10, so in all 51 eggs

@kybyxbee Hatch day produced one Svart Hona chick. Three are pipped, so I guess we will have hatch day again tomorrow.

@Penny Hen I am going to be setting sometime on the second week (the day depends on shipment arrival.) I'll be setting around 100 brown jumbo coturnix and a dozen Silver Penciled Wyandottes.


April 2 hatch: 11 of 12 Guinea Fowl

Due 4/4 Silkies, Olive Eggers and Mutts
Due 4/16 Gold Laced Orps, Silkies, Olive Eggers, and Bourbon Red turkeys
Due 4/22 Gold Laced Orps, Silkies & Olive Eggers
4/29 ? ... still plotting

@philyaw539 26 eggs

@ChickenLady2014 I have 3 hatches currently scheduled to hatch in April

@Cynthia12 I'm setting some Bantam Cochin eggs tonight. Should hatch around the 12th...I think.

@draye Set 74 Naked Neck, some will hatch fully feathered, @ about 5:30 PM.

@chicken hawk 33 Mixed barnyard mixes with a delaware as a roo. my,eggs from my pet chicken are here.four pet silkie eggs.three Easter eggers,two fun and funky assortment one super chocolate egg layer.

@melnjerm I'm not on there. I'll be setting at least 13 cream legbar eggs and 6 olive eggers (blue maran/legbar) eggs this weekend

@cree57i I set 17 Golden Cuckoo Marans this morning, (3/31), along with 3 isabelle leghorns and 3 Silverudds Blue in one incubator. I already have 24 assorted SB, SFH and isabelle leghorns in another incubator due to hatch in 7 days whenever that is. Also a cuckoo marans has been sitting for 3 or 4 days on at least 12 eggs. I put SB, isabelle leghorn and blue copper marans under her, but no telling what else she has commandeered. Today, an australorp decided she is broody. She has a BYM under her and as soon as I can catch her off the nest she will have some SFH's under there too. IDK how many eggs she has. All said, I have a minimum of 60 eggs set at this moment, but knowing my broody hens it is a lot more than that! I'm up to 3 broods as of today. No telling how many eggs are under them either.

@0wen Putting half dozen Svart Hona eggs in a Brinsea Mini Advanced (casual hatcher so only own a small capacity incubator) tomorrow (4/1) - setting at room temp currently trying/hoping to mend air cells and such courtesy of the USPS.

@generaldsherman NN, runner duck eggs, lone turkey egg (only 1 out of 3 that didn't quit), CCL and a mixed dozen of a few different breeds (hopefully, if the seller meets me tomorrow with my CCL and other eggs)

@kimalulu I have bielefelder, barred rock, English Orpington, Swedish flower hen, Easter eggers and some mixes set to hatch 4/17 and 4/20.

@arconfederate I set 10 Icelandic eggs yesterday (3/31/16)

@sasafras4u2 I got some local mixed eggs. The people don't know what there chickens are "umm red hen and a black rooster". I set them on March 23rd. Due to hatch April 13.candles last night 10/10 moving in every egg. I'm so eggcited. Then I have ordered some eggs to arrive the week of April 25th. I hope to have chick's over running the coop.

@Feather duster I set 30 Australorp eggs on March 24th. Opened up the incubator for the first time this morning to candle the eggs and trace the air cells. So far out of 30 eggs I had two that were infertile and two that had died. Twenty-six still in the game.

@Auroradream26 4 out so far and at least 3 more pipped. There are 11 of them total but there are 267 more eggs in the cabinet bator

I have 1.5 broodies lol one hen I gave her all 10 eggs to my main broody and only one egg to the other she likes to get off the nest and stay gone and lets another hen take over, so that nest has revolving hens, lol

candled my 24 eggs in my bator, 4 were infertile and one I didn't see a crack and it had a blood ring, still a good count in my books

@weegarden I have 11 hatching today and tomorrow. Silkies and Plymouth rock x my large any other rooster winner.
On the 11th I have a bunch hatching in my classroom. And then I have more hatching around the 25th.

@chickygirl7 I've got 6 gold phase Welsh Harlequin duck eggs that should be arriving next week.

@pickachick Just set 31eggs.
Taking notes on the chick first-aid kit (a wonderful idea!).
4 golden lakenvelders,
Few RIR crosses,
Few leghorn crosses,Easter eggers
Many dominiques's

@wabbit1964 I candled the eggs in incubator #1 tonight. Looking good. Estimated hatch date April 13. Only had a few clear eggs. Incubator #2 i am not seeing much going on but it has not been long enough to really see anything. Estimated hatch date April 17th.

@redda I just put 17 eggs in my LG styrofoam bator tonight.I might add a few more tomorrow just to increase my odds and the FUN. This is my first attempt this year. I did one incubation last spring with the same bator. Hoping to hatch out Black Australorps mostly but a couple of buff orps. Last year I started my flock with eggs from our local hatchery. I am trying our own eggs this time. Grandsons ages 6, 3, and 2 are excited.

I currently have Ameraucanas, Saipans, ducks, goose and Bantam Wyandotte eggs. I am so excited.

My Saipans are due to hatch in 2 days. I have had bad luck with hatching Saipans so far.

@Sahwithchicks Today I set 4 yellow gold pheasant eggs and 24 Pharoah coturnix quail eggs

@h2oratt Went into lockdown last night. No movement seen yet.

@Balloonjuice I've got some chicken eggs in my incubator. Started with 40, but two were clears on countdown day 14. Today, Saturday 4/2/16, is countdown day 12. So, another 9-10 days to go to lockdown.

@akaruby Just set some Salmon Faverolles and Blue Partridge Brahma eggs today! Lockdown April 22nd.

@Scovy Momma 16 days left. All 3 are alive & dancing when I candled today.
I am not sure what these even are but my uncle said they're supposed to be some kind of banty. I have 3 more to set that he gave me today. They are also unknowns.


I have 3 poults out.
3 eggs quit. 2 eggs left trying.
1 poult that is out was glued to the shell. I got him out but will probably have to cull. I have him in a cup for a leg issue.
I usually hatch eggs upright. But I bought a lg still air for a hatcher and I laid them down this time. The hatch was different than normal.
I should have some welsummer eggs this weekend hatching.
I saving turkey eggs for the Cinco de Mayo hal. I have 40 saved for it. Will set those on thurs.
Congrats to all that have had successful hatches.

@PaisyQ I set 8 barnyard mix chicken eggs today.

@canadachickens So my hens have figured it out for me, I will be setting:
7 americauna, 3 Columbian Rocks, 13 EE's, 6 white leghorn, and 9 silkie this evening.
I also have 8 silkie eggs under a broody who started to sit last Tuesday. Hopefully the mild weather holds and she stays put.

@DannBlyth This will be my first hatch along though I've read through a lot of old ones that got me hooked! I just hatched out 9 out of 11 chicks from my own mutt flock on March 20th all are doing great. I've just set on the 1st of April some eggs I bought in from a local breeder. I put in 12 black blue splash Ameruacana, and 30 black australorp. I'm pretty darn excited lol thanks for this fun opportunity!

@JadedPhoenix I put a batch of eggs in the incubator on Friday and it will be interesting to see what I get. I put six eggs in from a friend at work who has a mixed flock of various kinds. Out of curiosity, I put in a few of my own as well since I have been suspecting that my sultans are actually roosters despite the fact that neither have been seen or heard crowing. They do tend to behave rooish and I've collected a couple of fertile eggs. So here is to a good hatch.

@ToddQ Im hatching 13 RIR and 18 Ameraucanas on or about April 21st!

@RattleCan 24 EE/OE eggs and 12 Royal Palm turkey eggs went into the incubator on Friday, April 1st.

@dgibson0604 I have a good many eggs in my incubator, i have 3 amerucana, 2 bramah, 9 barred rocks, and 6 guinea eggs.( my guineas wont hatch for a while ) Hey guys im going into lock down tonight wish me luck

@Lozuufy My pigeons are sitting on 3 eggs, and so far 2 have hatched!
I also have 6 duck eggs developing that should hatch around April 21, and some quail eggs that should hatch the 25th. Plus I just ordered some Chocolate Orp mix eggs that should come in soon, and some pure breed Ameraucana eggs, and some more call duck eggs

@caeti21 Ok i just set 9 eggies so far....idk if their all fertile but i guess we will find out

@wornoutmomto3 The eggs went in on the First, but their first full day would be the second. So, if anything hatches the chicks will hatch on the 22d and the ducklings will hatch on the 29th. At the current count (haven't candled yet) There are 18 Dominique eggs (won at auction), 6 Pekin cross duck eggs, 5 game bantams, and a variety of RIR RIRxAncona and barnyard mixes. I don't remember the exact count.

@billiejw89 I got my serama eggs down to about 43% humidity...I will candle again tomorrow. (Day 11)

My LG with 34 eggs is doing great. I candled some of the lighter colored eggs and could see small veins. (Day 5)
I just went out to look for eggs and one of my BO hens fluffed up and growled at me. I collected from the other nests (5 eggs) and placed them next to her and walked away. I came back and she has pulled all the eggs under her so I'm thinking we have a broody! I'm not sure how many she was already on, maybe 1 or 2. I will give her whatever other eggs we get today as well.

@teamfreewill Candled today (day 4) and all 10 are developing perfectly

@Bryam I have 8 silkie eggs due to hatch in 2 days!!!!

@hereorthere Went into lockdown last night. Humidity is at 60-62% in the past 8-9 hrs since I left, but hovered around 57-59% all yesterday evening/night.

@CGilbert Joining in with my white, buff, and bantam self blue Ameraucana eggs.

@nanceann First time hatcher. I have a buff who seems to be broody so I thought I'd leave americaunas eggs under her. We have one roo and he stays busy.

Have a hen sitting on 24 eggs that should be hatching within next week, we aren't sure when she finally started to sit on them
putting 47 in the incubator this afternoon.They are barn yard mixes. oh my guess she was setting on them longer than we thought lol, first pip today

@banannalee I Finally got an incubator after I had received numerous calls for chicks. So I set up my first hatch. 25 EE's, 4 silkies, 2 ducks and 2 geece eggs one of which is a double yolker. On Day 4 of candling i saw a blood ring on one of the duck eggs so lost that one...the rest are veining up nicely with a couple of ??'s. chickens are due 4/21 and waterfowl on 4/28.

@Eps32 I'm in I have 35+ eggs hatching today. Don't know if they count. Also have 42 in the other incubator set to hatch in 14 days. And will be setting another full egg turner of eggs after this hatch today.

@SilkiesForEver Still trying to hatch my Rosecomb's eggs. I've got 6 eggs in the incubator.

@stiles1113 Hello I'm new! This is my first time incubating and I have call duck eggs, white pekin duck eggs, khaki Campbell duck eggs, and mallard duck eggs. 5 were set Friday and 7 were set this morning. Any tips are greatly appreciated! I'm using the little giant still air incubator

@Madonna m Everything looks good so far. Starting on day five. All 24 eggs just rollin along. Keeping humidity in check this time.

@SH HoneyBadger I have eight eggs that I just set on April 3. Four eggs are Svarthona and four are lavender Orpington.

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