"Springing in the Chicks" 2016 April Hatch-a-Long Hosted by Mike & Sally

So, could incubating eggs in cartons without the bottom cut out cause failed hatches?
if they are not getting adequate ventilation or the heat is not surrounding the eggs as it shoul

Quote: rice in the bator?

Quote: ohhhh my!!! dehumidiifier in the house>?

Hi everyone! I hope I am posting in the right place to join the Hatch-a-Long, this is my first time. I live in Alaska and I am completely new to chickens. I just built a brooder and bought my first four chicks this weekend (three cream legbars and a jubilee orpington mix), and then I have eight eggs that I just set on April 3. Four eggs are Svarthona and four are lavender Orpington. I have a used incubator that is tiny and I think it is of dubious reliability, so I have another one on order from Amazon that will hopefully put me more at ease. I am undertaking this with only the guidance of the internet, and I'm happy to have found BackYard Chickens! Good luck, April hatchers!!
Welcome glad to have you!! brooder looks awesome!!!

Day 20 here, nothing going on. I am biting my nails, what if nothing hatches???? The suspense is killing me!!!!!

good luck!!!!! nails are over rated unless your building something anyways!!
Quote: I am glad to hear this!!!! I cant see how you were doing it in the first place with kids!!! good for you, life will be so much better for everyone!!! Oh Thank goodness!! Celebrate!!!

Well day 14 i candled and marked air cells. Do these look about right? I saw all 10 moving one even kicked so hard i felt it. Lol
look good!!
My chicks are hatching. Multiple pips one guy that was the first to pip over 18 hours ago pipped the wrong end. Hasn't made any progress since don't know if he's dead. I want to open the bator and grab him and see if he's still alive and needs help. But that goes against all my lockdown rules. Do I jeopardize 15 + more pipped eggs to save one. Help me make this call guys jezz.
I would leave him, but you have to make that choice yourself.

And Banti, you changed!

set 42 barnyard mixes this morning

Update on my eggs: my turkey egg didn't make it (I'll pick up some turkey chicks in the future when I have a pen to put them in), and I am 1 day away from lock-down on 3 NN eggs-really impressed with them given the fact that they were refrigerating for a week before I decided at the spur of the moment to put them in. Finally got a reliable thermostat for my cooler-bator so will use that for lock-down (got a heat thermostat and a hydrostat for humidity which is hooked up to a fogger to up humidity when needed). All of my duck eggs are progressing nicely, but a couple have terrible saddle-shaped air cells.

My invention which I call "the Basha's bator" as I used a styrofoam Basha's cooler.
(in case you're wondering about peeling tape, it's just to close up the holes a bit better around the windows which are glued in; must replace the athletic tape with water-proof tape)
Sorry about the Turkeys. Good luck with your current hatch!

Quote: Sweet!

Finally I have a couple of pips!! Was starting to worry as I've heard peeping for 24 hours but not seen a pip
There maybe more on the underside where I can't see but right now I'm happy with the two I can see

Day 49, emu eggs. Here is a quit snapshot of the eggs doing nothing : ). I weighed them again, preparing for the last week of incubation. All the eggs have wiggled so I know there is a live chick in each one. :ya. Only one egg could stand to loose a bit more weight but it lost 10grams last week so I am hopeful it will still be in a good range. I have a couple that are right on target but I don't want to loose too much more weight. I figure weighing a little less may be better than weighing more but I have never done this before!

Day 49, emu eggs. Here is a quit snapshot of the eggs doing nothing : ). I weighed them again, preparing for the last week of incubation. All the eggs have wiggled so I know there is a live chick in each one.
. Only one egg could stand to loose a bit more weight but it lost 10grams last week so I am hopeful it will still be in a good range. I have a couple that are right on target but I don't want to loose too much more weight. I figure weighing a little less may be better than weighing more but I have never done this before!


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