"Springing in the Chicks" 2016 April Hatch-a-Long Hosted by Mike & Sally

Clears don't explode unless there is bacteria inside.... I left mine in till lockdown and notta.... Broke it open, it looked like I coulda ate it.
That makes me feel better!! Thanks!!! I was going to leave them as long as possible- so long as they didn't smell, but then people were talking about them exploding and i got worried!
That makes me feel better!! Thanks!!! I was going to leave them as long as possible- so long as they didn't smell, but then people were talking about them exploding and i got worried!

When you open your clears at that point are the yokes all runny? The few clears I opened last hatch, the yokes weren't solid like when u crack a fresh egg. Just curious if that is normal or if maybe they had gotten "scrambled"?
Wow, there have been like 150 posts on here since yesterday. Congratulations to everyone who had chicks hatch! I had one hatch at 1:30 a.m., woke me up cheeping like crazy. It's a sex-linked cuckoo orpington & looks to be a boy. No other pips or peeps, hope some buddies hatch for him soon!
Congrats. I hope you get some more
When you open your clears at that point are the yokes all runny? The few clears I opened last hatch, the yokes weren't solid like when u crack a fresh egg. Just curious if that is normal or if maybe they had gotten "scrambled"?
i haven't done any eggtopsies yet on this batch, I haven't pulled any out yet
probably waiting until lockdown, or possibly just lazy, and i have no time until sunday-when i get a day off from work
Bacon and Eggs hatched 3/25

OMGoodness! They are CUTE, CUTE, CUTE! I want some! Good thing I have Anconas in the bator due April 30 / May 1!!!!

Set the eggs last night! 10 Cream Brabanter expected to hatch on 4/28!

or a house goose???

What a pretty, dainty house goose.

Well, I have the candling results on my 10 Icelandic eggs (day 7). 3 showed vein development, 2 had blood rings, 1 I couldn't tell yet and the remainder are clear. I'm leaving everything as it is since this is my first time incubating chickens and I'm still learning to interpret the candling results. I figure that it should be a little more obvious on day 10. Does that sound appropriate?
I have a hard time candling eggs personally. I can tell you 2 infertile eggs in my incubator until after our hatch, so 23 days, and nothing happened. No smell, no exploding, no oozing. We may have just been lucky thought. The blue eggs and the Welsummer/dark brown eggs are even harder for me.
Good luck.

Breath in.... Breath out... repeat.

# 7 popping out

Wow, there have been like 150 posts on here since yesterday. Congratulations to everyone who had chicks hatch! I had one hatch at 1:30 a.m., woke me up cheeping like crazy. It's a sex-linked cuckoo orpington & looks to be a boy. No other pips or peeps, hope some buddies hatch for him soon!

Congrats. So cute1

sometimes it does but sometimes its normal!! go with the majority

Empty shells - a valuable source of information click HERE

  • Judge the accuracy of pulling time and hatching conditions by crumbling empty shells in your fist and by checking the amount of meconium on the egg shells.
  • Check the height and manner of pipping, to judge whether weight loss during incubation was sufficient.
  • Check the inside of the empty shells for signs of insufficient weight loss during the first half of incubation (blood vessels not reaching until sharp end of egg).
  • Observe the inside of the empty shells for signs of overheating (excessively large and clearly visible blood vessels).
  • Use information obtained from assessing the empty shells in conjunction with other observations, to avoid hasty or incorrect conclusions.
Awesome info. Learned a ton from our empty shells and our egtopsies! So thankful for this info.

Wow so much happening here in the past few days! I hope I can get caught up today

I just set another 11 shipped black/lavender split bantam Cochins last night in the Brinsea...

We ended up with 13 Marans total from my flock. The power outage eggs all hatched and the stuck zipper during the outage is also healthy and doing great

I got 10 blue coppers, 2 splashes and 1 black!
I caught most of them at snack time :)

I just received 7 self blue bantam Cochins in the mail today from Ideal. (I was curious to know their quality)... And I'm completely freaking out! I knew they sent extras for warmth but holy $&@!
They sent me 16 barred rock packing peanuts!!!!!

Usually mine start smelling at around 2-3 weeks, haven't had any explode yet cause I remove them as soon as they smell.
Ours didn't smell even on Day 23, we may have been VERY lucky though. I check the incubator for smells everyday.

Right now they have scampered under the brooder but I will get some when they come out. Here are some from earlier ~

I posted a vid here too ~ https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/...ng-hosted-by-mike-sally/3630_30#post_16821927
Cute cute cute. love the color!

That's for sure. I use my cell phone flashlight to candle. Lol
I haven't tried my cellphone flashlight. I attached a piece of a pool noodle and then wrapped electrical tape around the noddle to make it black and attached that to the end of a flashlight. It still isn't bright enough but the eggs sits nicely on the noodle. I need a SUPER DUPER POWERFUL flashlight. A flashlight that could literally light up the night for candling.
I was showing off my previously mentioned Rockstar-Style-Candling-Flashlight, "I attached a piece of a pool noodle and then wrapped electrical tape around the noddle to make it black and attached that to the end of a flashlight", to my sister-in-law and decided to give her a full demonstration. We are on day 5 with duck eggs so I figured there would be nothing to see.. WELL, we saw veins and the heart beat in the egg I chose. My SIL was blown away and amazed. And I am so excited!!!! I am not candling all of them but it is good to know that one is developing.
I was showing off my previously mentioned Rockstar-Style-Candling-Flashlight, "I attached a piece of a pool noodle and then wrapped electrical tape around the noddle to make it black and attached that to the end of a flashlight", to my sister-in-law and decided to give her a full demonstration. We are on day 5 with duck eggs so I figured there would be nothing to see.. WELL, we saw veins and the heart beat in the egg I chose. My SIL was blown away and amazed. And I am so excited!!!! I am not candling all of them but it is good to know that one is developing.
for the others!

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