"Springing in the Chicks" 2016 April Hatch-a-Long Hosted by Mike & Sally

Ha..only someone that is blessed enough to have enough land to have roosters would wonder. At least that's what I'm thinking..you are on a lot of land, have your roosters?
This collar makes it so they can't take a deep enough breath in to make that loud crow, so, they don't bother neighbors. I am in a neighborhood..homes pretty close. This is the first time I've had a collar work on one this good. I just may be able to keep him!
I have 4 roosters
on about 9 acres and my neighbor across the street has a TON of different animals (cow, horse, donkey, turkeys, geese, chickens)

and the other neighbors don't care i live in a very small town
I would really like to save up for a cabinet incubator. Are there any that you experts would recommend? I really like my Brinsea octagon, and would consider the cabinet model, but they seem quit pricey for me, and I saw others like a Sportsman for a lot cheaper. Any thoughts? I'm definitely not purchasing right now, but want to start looking around while saving up.

I have been considering getting a Repitpro 6000. Despite its name it has turners and can do bird eggs too. It is a table top cabinet and sells for around $249 with two turners. You can even program cooling cycles with it to imitate a hen getting up to eat and drink. When it first came out their were some early issues with the door glass window not being sealed right and fogging but I believe they have fixed that issue.
Well I finally got the courage up to write a note to the people I bought my beautiful black Americauna "infertile" rooster from. It is hard, because I don't want to insult at all, yet I would want to know if it was from me. I was very kind and just explained, and asked if they have any thoughts. I'm hoping they will stand behind it, or at least let me get another. I have owned him for a month now, and have tried everything, but he just won't do his job. When I bought my trio, they had him in an isolated pen by himself, and his eyes looked a little droopy, but he was beautiful show quality, and I figured he would be fine. I do wonder though if he was separated out due to some issues. These people are professionals, who have won many awards, and I'm sure they will understand. I'm bummed though because the best part of hatching season for this year's fair is already over. I would be happy with getting some hatched for next year though. But, I can't do it unless I have a fertile rooster.

I also went into school and checked on my incubator. I ended up moving my eggs back to the mini advance before leaving school yesterday, because the humidity was fine when I took the eggs out and let it sit for a while. Sure enough, the humidity was back up again this morning. I have a paper towel under the eggs, and that was pretty wet too, and there is condensation around the outside of the incubator. The cracked egg is in there (membrane is not broken) so I do wonder if that made the humidity go back up. I did take a paper towel and sop up all of the water from one side of the reservoir, so there is less water surface area, and hopefully that will bring it down a bit. I am going to just let them in there until this afternoon and see what happens. I will check again later today.

Anyone who uses the Brinsea mini, do you get a lot of condensation during lockdown? It is even in the little tube where the electrical seems to be on the outside edge? That seems strange to me.

Where do you live? Are you needing any rooster? I am sorry about your rooster.
I have been considering getting a Repitpro 6000. Despite its name it has turners and can do bird eggs too. It is a table top cabinet and sells for around $249 with two turners. You can even program cooling cycles with it to imitate a hen getting up to eat and drink. When it first came out their were some early issues with the door glass window not being sealed right and fogging but I believe they have fixed that issue.

That sounds very interesting!
You...are....looking at....very dark eggs! It's hard to see anything in those things. Especially the further along they get. You can either get into weighing the eggs as Sally has pointed out in one of her many great posts on hatching, or you can wait and see if the air sac gets bigger, draws down by day 18/19..or, just wait, and hope you don't have an icky egg. Yep, icky egg.

Yeah, you're surely right (and now I'll quit calling you Shirley). I was just hoping that by this time I could candle them and see a little chick waving back to me.
I went to bed early because I was exhausted and then woke up at 3am. This is all happening quickly, but #2 is OUT! #3 is pipped and # 1 is definitely internally pipped. No word from #4 yet.

Someone wants to say hello...



At first I didn't realize what they were except that I wanted one but then I noticed that they weren't chicks but emus! How exciting! Congrats!
I have been considering getting a Repitpro 6000. Despite its name it has turners and can do bird eggs too. It is a table top cabinet and sells for around $249 with two turners. You can even program cooling cycles with it to imitate a hen getting up to eat and drink. When it first came out their were some early issues with the door glass window not being sealed right and fogging but I believe they have fixed that issue.

I have one. I just had my first hatch. I don't see where I can program cooling cycles.

If I can find the link you can get one for 99 dollars. The turners are 40 each though.

I am trying to find hatching baskets to fit in it.

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