"Springing in the Chicks" 2016 April Hatch-a-Long Hosted by Mike & Sally

Well, we have at least one chick that hatched.
Went to go check on my broody and heard some peeping.


Ok guys I've been lurking on here. I set some eggs in the cabinet incubator a few days ago. I have one broody ready to hatch today and one broody only a few days in. Plus the brinsea octogon is due tomorrow. Yikes what was I thinking!!!!
Welcome! Sounds like you'll have plenty of chicks soon!

I'm home! I'm home!

Bator was at 103. No idea how long it was like that. Humidity was 26. Now idea on that either. I'll candle tonight. Lockdown tomorrow!
Welcome Back!!!!
I hope you enjoyed the cruise! Good luck with the candle.

Hey fellow chicken lovers. I have Copper Maran chickens in the incubator. I ordered Araucana hatching eggs at the same time and I'm disappointed that they haven't arrived yet. They were due to arrive last Wednesday avow is Saturday and they were laid 11 days ago. So maybe I won't have blue eggs this year but I'm excited about the prospect of getting copper/brown eggs this year.

Good luck! Sorry your eggs are late.
Just went out and checked on progress (it's SOOOO hard to be patient! ahh!!). All the Buff Orpington's eggs are same as this morning, but Lena's other egg (one of the calicos) just pipped!!
More babies by tomorrow hopefully!
I couldn't resist, I went out and checked on the hens again just in case someone had decided to zip already. No zipping, but two more eggs have pipped!!
That leaves only one of the calico eggs without signs of hatching soon, and at this rate everyone might be pipped by this evening! SO EXCITED!!
Quote: Thanks!
Cruise was EXCELLENT. A must-do for everyone. Our next one is already booked.

I got worried about the eggs (and rest of the farm) a few times, but I was in Cozumel and Belize and Roatan, so what was I going to do about it?? Belly up and have another piña colada, that's what.

Glad you enjoyed the cruise and Boat Drinks!

Hello Peeps!

Two babies out. This last one's egg was marked, red cl..what in the heck does that stand for? Most are Orpington eggs, but, there is the Bielefelder, and the Barnie's too. This baby did not hatch red. It's going to be white. ??
Congratulations! Where are the pics?

baby peeking over the other eggs

A lot of babies have been born!! WOOOOHOOOO. Sorry guys that I have gone so long. Thank you Chaos for picking up my slack on the updates. You are the best ever!!!

I had one quail hatch and then it passed away.. Im taking a break from incubating for a bit until life settles down a bit... but I am happy to live vicarously through all of you. Keep them hatches going. WELLLLL DONE ALLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope things settle down soon!
Mike, here are a couple, one almost dry, and one that had just hatched. I have been sending photos as they hatch. Another Barnie is getting close to zipping.
The chipmunk is the Barnie, the white one is the one marked red cl. It is drying up white..these aren't the greatest photos.

Thanks. She was sure special, and we all miss her. She passed away last fall. I have two favorite pictures of her with the chickens: [COLOR=B42000] [/COLOR] Waiting for me to finish up chores in the run. See all the chicks behind her around the waterer? Never bothered them. [COLOR=B42000] [/COLOR] Look! Black and white bookends! And one with our Kendra.
Precious :love
@CherriesBrood , I think it was you that wanted to see my bantams I got from the feed stores. I am also posting the two that I hatched.

Here are the two black B.Cochins that I hatched. Nice feathered feet. They will be cute.

Here is the light splash I got last week.

This little one I got the other day. I don't think it is a bantam
cochin, I am thinking it's a white favorelle because of it's
puffy cheeks. Going to be really cute though!

The mottled I got with the white.

Here is the darker blue one..and darn..I think it's a boy. Didn't
notice those red little wattles until I held him up to take the photo.
Going to be gorgeous! The comb isn't red.

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