"Springing in the Chicks" 2016 April Hatch-a-Long Hosted by Mike & Sally

When I was convincing my Cochin hen Lena to go broody (I wanted her to have some of the shipped eggs, partly so that I wouldn't have so many chicks under one hen, and partly because Lena has hatched before and I know she is a good mother), I gave her one of her own eggs to sit on. Cochin that she is, she was broody by that night! Since it was only a few days before the shipped Calico eggs arrived, I decided to leave Lena's egg with her. On Friday, it hatched!!

Today, one of the Calico eggs pipped! I can hear cheeping inside some of the other eggs as well! This is day 20 for them, and hopefully I'll have chicks tonight or tomorrow!

Just went out and checked on progress (it's SOOOO hard to be patient! ahh!!). All the Buff Orpington's eggs are same as this morning, but Lena's other egg (one of the calicos) just pipped!!
More babies by tomorrow hopefully!
The main flock, last pics of our chickens:)
Love them! What kind is your big rooster? He looks just like my chicken that won for "any other rooster." He is big and beautiful!

I knew I had a chick zipping, sat down to talk with my hubby a bit, then remembered the chick, ran..silly me..to get to the bator, rammmed...yes, rammed my pinky toe and the next one into a doorway, really hard. Pretty sure it's broken. :/ Man that hurt! All to watch a chick hatch! It's doing a nice swell up job..I've broken this pinky toe before. I've broken both pinky toes before. Am I a clutz? I guess.
I fell on top of the brooder. Poor babies in there thought an earthquake had happened. I have my son's wedding to go to next Thursday. Hope I can wear a shoe. :/ I'm so mad at myself. This is the hatch for a friend..A Barnie is first to hatch.

Oh no, get yourself an orthopedic post operative shoe. It totally makes it feel so much better, because it offers support, and hopefully it will be fine by next weekend.
A lot of babies have been born!! WOOOOHOOOO. Sorry guys that I have gone so long. Thank you Chaos for picking up my slack on the updates. You are the best ever!!!

I had one quail hatch and then it passed away.. Im taking a break from incubating for a bit until life settles down a bit... but I am happy to live vicarously through all of you. Keep them hatches going. WELLLLL DONE ALLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Quote: How adorable. Sorry she passed last fall.
So now that i'm all caught up

Last night after the 2 hatched another 3 decided to pop out, so i have 5 in the bator drying, 1 more pipped and hopefully more will pip while i'm at work

I did find 1 DIS this morning :*( last night it was breathing out its pip hole but this morning it wasnt moving so i got a bamboo skewer and stuck in the little vent hole so i could poke the shell and see if it would move at all, and it didn't, upon speedy removal it looks like it flipped itself down to the other end and got stuck and suffocated and i think it was a splash maran

agfter i took it out and started peeling to find its beak my daughter (4 yo) looks at me and says 'mommy i think its dead' lol, yep but i was still gonna try
Congratulations! Kids say the darnedest things.

Well I have 20+ chicks in the bator. It's getting crowded but still have like 10 eggs pipped. I'll take pics when there all out. I dropped 40+ eggs on April 8th also. So I'll have another April hatch also. Let's keep raining the April chicks guys.
Keep raining chicks!

The main flock, last pics of our chickens:)

Woke up to one RIR pip yesterday

Today woke up to a RIR hatch.
And 3 pips.

Early hatches but I think it was a pretty clean hatch.

We have a pip!

I knew I had a chick zipping, sat down to talk with my hubby a bit, then remembered the chick, ran..silly me..to get to the bator, rammmed...yes, rammed my pinky toe and the next one into a doorway, really hard. Pretty sure it's broken. :/ Man that hurt! All to watch a chick hatch! It's doing a nice swell up job..I've broken this pinky toe before. I've broken both pinky toes before. Am I a clutz? I guess.
I fell on top of the brooder. Poor babies in there thought an earthquake had happened. I have my son's wedding to go to next Thursday. Hope I can wear a shoe. :/ I'm so mad at myself. This is the hatch for a friend..A Barnie is first to hatch.
Ouch! I hope you ok, and can wear a shoe to the wedding.
Two babies out.  This last one's egg was marked, red cl..what in the heck does that stand for?  Most are Orpington eggs, but, there is the Bielefelder, and the Barnie's too.  This baby did not hatch red.  It's going to be white.    ??   

Maybe they meant red SL?

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