"Springing in the Chicks" 2016 April Hatch-a-Long Hosted by Mike & Sally

Sorry I didn't post this list night. But last night I set my eggs. 22 in total. 8 Black and Blue Coppet Marans, 2 Olive Egger, 6 barnyard mixes, and 6 Blue Partridge Brahma eggs. I'm also going to put 4 Ohiki eggs in the Bator in 3 days so that they all hatch on the same day.



What's an ohiki?
@CherriesBrood , I think it was you that wanted to see my bantams I got from the feed stores. I am also posting the two that I hatched. Here are the two black B.Cochins that I hatched. Nice feathered feet. They will be cute. Here is the light splash I got last week. This little one I got the other day. I don't think it is a bantam cochin, I am thinking it's a white favorelle because of it's puffy cheeks. Going to be really cute though! The mottled I got with the white. Here is the darker blue one..and darn..I think it's a boy. Didn't notice those red little wattles until I held him up to take the photo. Going to be gorgeous! The comb isn't red. :p
Ohhhhhh my goodness, those are the cutest little things ever! Thanks for posting pictures. :)
Two babies out.  This last one's egg was marked, red cl..what in the heck does that stand for?  Most are Orpington eggs, but, there is the Bielefelder, and the Barnie's too.  This baby did not hatch red.  It's going to be white.    ??   

:celebrate congratulations!
@CherriesBrood , I think it was you that wanted to see my bantams I got from the feed stores. I am also posting the two that I hatched.

Here are the two black B.Cochins that I hatched. Nice feathered feet. They will be cute.

Here is the light splash I got last week.

This little one I got the other day. I don't think it is a bantam
cochin, I am thinking it's a white favorelle because of it's
puffy cheeks. Going to be really cute though!

The mottled I got with the white.

Here is the darker blue one..and darn..I think it's a boy. Didn't
notice those red little wattles until I held him up to take the photo.
Going to be gorgeous! The comb isn't red.

Very pretty babies!
Well, a Bielefelder hatched. And I've found out from looking them up, that they are auto sexed! This looks like a girl. Anyone here familiar with the breed? Have them? I am reading they eat a lot because they grow fast. ?? And, I read that because of their large size, the hens tend to break eggs easier when laying. ?? I want to keep one of these, but not if they are accidentally breaking eggs. :/
Ah shucks, it's drying out and it's light. :/ I hope the other one is a girl. I think there is only one more in there. A lot blue orpington's. One or two Jubilee Orpintons. red cc's. I think those are the cuckoo.

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