"Springing in the Chicks" 2016 April Hatch-a-Long Hosted by Mike & Sally

That little black one thinks it's evil kenievle, drives the momma hen crazy with it's antics then goes and pecks her lol. They were moved by friend to the insulated shed. They are starting to feather out 4 days old.

Lock down on bator in the morning pulled 4 eggs that were early quitters
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Pretty sure it's a boy, look at That comb!

For sure!

Wow, gorgeous! Hope it's a girl. :)
Well I won't know for a few days but I'm not sure if the ones my husband said to collect are fertile right now. The rooster was away for about a week. I will keep gathering until I know. If they are then I should have eggs hatching every other day starting in 14 days.

These new ones are going in late but I've got 6 dozen in the incubator now and even though I won't candle all of them until tomorrow I've spot candled about 10 and most look good.
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Well, I'm hoping to go home to some chicks in the morning. I swear that I saw slight vibrations in two of the five eggs. In fact, I had my husband and son take a look without telling them which ones I saw and my husband confirmed one of the eggs. These are some barnyard eggs that I got from a coworker to replace some chickens that will be going to freezer camp. Can't wait!
Finally made it to day 21. Three have hatched and several have pips. Looking like correcting the humidity this time around had helped. Have 24 eggs set. Will update tomorrow on status.
Well it is the second half of day 21, went out to check and have a total of 8 running around. Moved five to the broader box, others will be moved later today.
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Are those bushel baskets? :lau

Mayyyyybeeee.... why?

Just teasing...   :plbb

Love it! I need a better method for humidity. The jars and sponges take up too much room. :/

Thanks, camping!  

Have you tried using a humidifier in the room with the bator? Might be able to remove a jar or two. Just a thought...

I was concerned that my chicks drowned before they had a chance to hatch. They where a couple days late but 15 out of 18 hatched and are healthy. Goes to show never give up. i now have 25 healthy English Orp chicks. YAY

Yay, indeed!!!    :celebrate

I'm in south Louisiana, so ambient humidity is already pretty high. It actually stormed all week and I had to put in the sponges to get humidity above 65%, even with five jars. :/ I think the tubes and Gatorade contraption might be a good option, though.
Just candled 3 randome eggs from the batch that got u plugged, and 2 were moving.

Quote: YAYYYAYYAAA Go Mike GOOOOO !!!!!!!!

It has begun!!!

The chicks are hatching! It started last night with one. We are now up to 9 hatched! One died just after hatching, but 8 chicks are alive and well. Three more are pipped in the hatcher!


Lockdown tonight! Last hatch this month for me, but the turkey hens are breeding and the Royal Palm is poking around every hidden nook in the place, so there may be turkey eggs soon... Then it's just a matter of convincing dear husband to let me hatch just one more time.

Good Lcuk1

That little black one thinks it's evil kenievle, drives the momma hen crazy with it's antics then goes and pecks her lol. They were moved by friend to the insulated shed. They are starting to feather out 4 days old.

Lock down on bator in the morning pulled 4 eggs that were early quitters
There's always one in each bunch.

Finally made it to day 21. Three have hatched and several have pips. Looking like correcting the humidity this time around had helped. Have 24 eggs set. Will update tomorrow on status.


LG hatch complete. 6 unhatched eggs. 5 were wet sticky, I may have had humidity running a little high for a few days. The other one had quit at around 14 days.

Broody hen on day 16

Turkey eggs on day 7, will candle on day 10

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