"Springing in the Chicks" 2016 April Hatch-a-Long Hosted by Mike & Sally

Had to assist a chick. Fortunately, my hamster has a ton of humidity and it wasn't a problem to pull the egg out. I have a rather active CCL cockerel I think by the coloring who turned his sister over after she started to zip. Waited a while, but she didn't move so pulled the egg out. Looks like my girl CCL was starting to get stuck on the inside. The little CCL is warming up next to me for a little while until I can tell she's ready for the brooder.
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If you candle an egg after day 18 will the chick die

Don't do it!

The last two I candled that close to hatch looked dead. I stared at them for at least a minute straight with the flashlight on them. They looked dead.
They weren't. I eggtopsied the first one and found it alive and put them both back. It almost made it. The second one pipped, but didn't zip. Both died because I thought they were dead at day 19.
Don't do it!

The last two I candled that close to hatch looked dead. I stared at them for at least a minute straight with the flashlight on them. They looked dead.
They weren't. I eggtopsied the first one and found it alive and put them both back. It almost made it. The second one pipped, but didn't zip. Both died because I thought they were dead at day 19.
If you candle an egg after day 18 will the chick die
I candle all my eggs as I'm putting them in to lock down. I NEVER see movement in them. They look dead to me. But they hatch. How far after day 18 are you talking? If most of my chicks hatch on day 20 to 22, I'll candle day 23 or 24. I'll still leave them in for another day or two. Good luck
I just took a quick look at my 44 eggs. I didnt remove them from the Turner just put the light to the top of each one. Looks like a majority are forming veins!!! Looked like maybe 4 clears and 2 scrambled. But im not taking them out yet its only day 5 after all. Saw a lot of tiny embryos moving about but with shipped eggs i don't want to disturb them too much.even in the silkies I was worried about!
Don't do it!

The last two I candled that close to hatch looked dead. I stared at them for at least a minute straight with the flashlight on them. They looked dead.
They weren't. I eggtopsied the first one and found it alive and put them both back. It almost made it. The second one pipped, but didn't zip. Both died because I thought they were dead at day 19.
Speaking of candling, how are Blueberries eggs looking? Huh, huh, huh? *poke pok epoke

sorry, I'm slightly obsessive......
The first chick to hatch is loud and of course chose to debut at 1 am. DH has a rough schedule tomorrow so I'm hoping this one quiets down for the rest of the night. 5 more hours and they can make all the noise they want. Punks.
Send quiet thoughts, please.
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After a gnarly cold :sick , and a hubby with a kidney stone :th , I'm back on track. Kinda. I put 21 eggs into lockdown last night! :celebrate I lodt another olive egger sometime before that.:barnie Hoping I don't lose anymore.:fl

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