"Springing in the Chicks" 2016 April Hatch-a-Long Hosted by Mike & Sally

Our first hatched! One more pip. Hoping for more. So exciting!
Well this afternoon will be day 8... I've been very good this time and this will be the first candling. I spot candles a few at day 5 but today all 70+ eggs get checked and marked.

I'll do a better count as well
Y'know what I did? I forgot to candle until day 8. I think I can add that to the list of things I never thought I'd do. :gig
Y'know what I did? I forgot to candle until day 8. I think I can add that to the list of things I never thought I'd do. :gig

I know. I've made a point of hands off but to turn. No candling until today. Day 8,13,18 lockdown and day right before lockdown on duck eggs. I think I timed it where my added chick eggs will hatch same day as ducks.
Congrats on all the new babies and all of the pips and peeps!!

I go in lockdown in 3 more days due to hatch in 6 more days... well my eggs are due to hatch not me but you know how it is
Came home to find this baby hatched in the bator... I addressed the curled toe on one foot and he is walking around great but it looks like the yolk dodnt absorb all the way... Will that absorb or shrivel up??
Should put it in a tea cup with wet paper towels so it can hopefully get absorbed

So far 10 chicks have hatched. One passed shortly after hatching. Chicks 11 and 12 have pipped, but haven't started zipping yet.

Chick 11 has me a bit concerned. There is a toe coming out of the pip hole! Can this chick get out on its own or am I going to have to assist?
Will probably need help :(

Tonight's the night the chicks are due! I see one trying to pip(I candled it) and the first summer lightning storm is just reaching us, ahh I may not sleep for fear of losing power
Go Chickies!!!

Over 100 eggs locked down, due to hatch tomorrow!
Good Luck!!

Had to assist a chick. Fortunately, my hamster has a ton of humidity and it wasn't a problem to pull the egg out. I have a rather active CCL cockerel I think by the coloring who turned his sister over after she started to zip. Waited a while, but she didn't move so pulled the egg out. Looks like my girl CCL was starting to get stuck on the inside. The little CCL is warming up next to me for a little while until I can tell she's ready for the brooder.
Good thing your hamster has high humidity
lol, soo cute! good luck with the rest!
I just took a quick look at my 44 eggs. I didnt remove them from the Turner just put the light to the top of each one. Looks like a majority are forming veins!!! Looked like maybe 4 clears and 2 scrambled. But im not taking them out yet its only day 5 after all. Saw a lot of tiny embryos moving about but with shipped eggs i don't want to disturb them too much.even in the silkies I was worried about!

Day 14. 17 look great. Just a few more days to lockdown.

After a gnarly cold
, and a hubby with a kidney stone
, I'm back on track. Kinda. I put 21 eggs into lockdown last night!
I lodt another olive egger sometime before that.
Hoping I don't lose anymore.
Glad you are feeling better! good luck with the chickies!

eggs are cheeping yeah

Got up at 3AM to get ready for work and I now have 4 Amaraucanas, a Welsummer and a Oliver Egger was almost done zipping. Lots of other pips so hope to get out of here and home by noon to see some more chicks! Those Amaraucanas are eager beavers. Out of 48 eggs 4 of the 5 that have hatched are from them (only 8 of that breed in the bator). I thought I had them in the corner the whole time so either that corner runs hot or they just wanted out!

On a side note, not sure my walls will keep the buggers contained! They are climbing ninjas! I keep seeing the tallest Ameraucana trying to climb eggs and chicks to get over and see the other action, lol.

Pardon the crummy photo. It was 3:30 AM and lighting was not the best. The 4 Ameraucana are in the back left, the Welsummer is in the middle right just to the side of the yellow fan...and the zipping olive egger is to the middle left, bottom left corner of the fan.
Keep going chickies!!

the eggs have got pips in hoping the rest will hatch tomorrow (today is day 20)

Morning y'all.
I'm up to 15 chicks, 1 pip left in 3 eggs. This has been the weirdest hatch ever.
Morning!!! At least you set them! AND they're hatching!!! YAYYYYY!!!

Y'know what I did? I forgot to candle until day 8. I think I can add that to the list of things I never thought I'd do.

WHat!??!! you forgot to candle??

2 hatched 1 hatching and another cheeping
Had a bad night....woke up this morning to the incubator down to 97 degrees on both thermometers. Uh, oh. It was holding a nice 99.5 when I went to bed at 11 but 97 when I woke up at 6. No idea why it dropped or how long it had been that low. First thing I checked was if it was closed securely after I candled last night. It was, so no clue what happened. Gave it a gentle nudge upward, went in to make my coffee and start breakfast, then checked it again. Both therms read 104. Grrrrrr At least it wasn't that high long enough to cook the eggs - I know they take awhile to get up to the temp of the air around them. Finally have it stable at 99.5 again. I'm hoping the worst that will happen is that that might delay the hatch slightly, if it was low long enough. But we have to leave town today and will be gone overnight - worried about it happening again when I'm not here and won't be back until after 6 tomorrow night.

Tell me again why this is a relaxing hobby????
Had a bad night....woke up this morning to the incubator down to 97 degrees on both thermometers. Uh, oh. It was holding a nice 99.5 when I went to bed at 11 but 97 when I woke up at 6. No idea why it dropped or how long it had been that low. First thing I checked was if it was closed securely after I candled last night. It was, so no clue what happened. Gave it a gentle nudge upward, went in to make my coffee and start breakfast, then checked it again. Both therms read 104. Grrrrrr At least it wasn't that high long enough to cook the eggs - I know they take awhile to get up to the temp of the air around them. Finally have it stable at 99.5 again. I'm hoping the worst that will happen is that that might delay the hatch slightly, if it was low long enough. But we have to leave town today and will be gone overnight - worried about it happening again when I'm not here and won't be back until after 6 tomorrow night.

Tell me again why this is a relaxing hobby????
Whoever said it was relaxing??

Sorry to hear about the fluctuatuions

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