"Springing in the Chicks" 2016 April Hatch-a-Long Hosted by Mike & Sally

We are hatching seven eggs, they all started to hatch yesterday (Day 19). Three hatched overnight, one this morning and the other three are working on it. There are three barred rocks and four cream legbars. This is our first ever hatch and we are new to chickens in general.

I have read that I'm supposed to let them stay in the incubator until they are all hatched. I am worried about one chick, as he/she seems to be stuck in between an as yet unhatched egg and the incubator, I'm wondering if I should intervene.

We are hatching seven eggs, they all started to hatch yesterday (Day 19). Three hatched overnight, one this morning and the other three are working on it. There are three barred rocks and four cream legbars. This is our first ever hatch and we are new to chickens in general.

I have read that I'm supposed to let them stay in the incubator until they are all hatched. I am worried about one chick, as he/she seems to be stuck in between an as yet unhatched egg and the incubator, I'm wondering if I should intervene.

Usually people will leave them in the incubator until they are dried out and fluffy. If the chick is indeed stuck, than yes you can intervene so that it doesn't injury itself.
Congrats @guinea124 :D
I'm using the same incubator as you, I just had all of my eggs hatch, last one hatched this morning at about 4:00 is my guess. Oh and you can leave it in the incubator it will be just fine, don't open it up till they have all hatched because you can let humidity out and shrink wrap the chick. It is okay to quickly remove the shells form the hatched chicks once they hatch to make more room, but do it very quickly. :)
I have six that hatched, one full coco maroon, 2 salmon Favorelle buff orpingotn mix, 2 EE golden laced wayndotte mix, and one blue Cochin golden laced wayndotte mix.
This little incubator sure does a good job! :D I have used it 6 times now with great success each time!
Love all the little chicks in there, congrats on yours and to everyone's else hatches! :)
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Congrats @guinea124

I'm using the same incubator as you, I just had all of my eggs hatch, last one hatched this morning at about 4:00 is my guess.
I have six that hatched, one full coco maroon, 2 salmon Favorelle buff orpingotn mix, 2 EE golden laced wayndotte mix, and one blue Cochin golden laced wayndotte mix.
This little incubator sure does a good job!
I have used it 6 times now with great success each time!
Love all the little chicks in there, congrats on yours and to everyone's else hatches!
Congrats on your hatch.
Thanks @Chaos18! I thought I had some big problems with a couple of them, but they hatched just fine. I have to learn not to over worry about things. :rolleyes: These guys new family is so looking forward to getting them, and their little kids are just stoked! :) Once they go it's time to put in another batch for us, and they will be all coco maroons from one of our friends who breeds them. Chicken math. :rolleyes:
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SOOOO happy my hatch is going fantastic. All except the silkies were shipped eggs with horrible saddle shaped huge air cells. Some of the air cells were even on the side. So far I have-broody momma #1 5 silkies,broody momma #2 4 silkies broody momma #3 due in a couple days sitting on 6
7 Barred rock,2 German belfelders, 2 lavender orphingtons and 4 silkies hatched from incubators. Have 7 additional pips

I had three pip at the wrong end. One was assisted out the other two are trying to zip on there own
Yayyyy chickies!!

I have names for two of my hens, and for one of my chicks. Red is my darkest production RIR, and she's red... so she's Red. Blondie is a very white RSL, and White didn't seem to fit her. Thanks to Benny who stuck the name in my head, I have a chick named Balut. If I name any more of them, the next two will probably be John Travolta and Olivia Newton John. That way, when they become the main characters in grease, it won't come as a surprise.

Ok nevermind the guessing game.. either u yall r too slow or im too excited ...... ok maybe im too excited my fifth americauna top hat baby is out and another is pipped

6 out. 2 pipped. 1 zipping. 8 with nothing yet.
C'mon chickies!! Hurry up! LOL

Well of the 3 pips they still look the same as when I checked in the window at 1030 last night. I did wake up to a surprise EE hatch that I hadn't even noticed pipping. now... Tapping fingers impatiently for the 3 pips to progress and then signs of life from the other 17 eggs....

Something is wrong with one of the chicks!?!? It is walking around with its head off to the side. It can straighten its neck but doesn't. Could it be a deficiency of some kind or maybe a nuerilogical issue?

oh, poor chicklet! i hope the vitamins help its wry neck!!

hey guys i have a AM egg starting to pip it will be a cross but should look pretty cool

Duckies can be frustrating. When they pip they take ages to finally hatch. This is my second batch of them. Last batch I only got 2 out of 8. I'm hoping for better luck this time although having 3 that pipped is already doing better than last time.
Good luck with yours and I hope you get some duckies out of it.
You need more names then.....

Was not expecting this today. Bantams hatching on day 19. 6am Actually eggs were placed in incubator @11 am on Sunday April 10th. Assuming it took a little time for them to internally heat to the incubators temp. I will research it, but if anyone has an opinion, will the "early" hatch cause any issues with chicks? One chick has hatched 2 pics are of same chick. 1 other egg has pipped. It is the close-up of the egg lower right corner of egg is tip of beak sticking out. Shell is from first chick that hatched. Brooder is ready, should I remove chick and allow it to dry there? Humidity is high. Only going by condensation on window. I have water in water channels and a had a sponge. I removed sponge when removed shell. 9:45 just checked and now one other "full size" egg is pipped!!! Called off work today!!!!
Sounds like a good thing to call out for!!!
Thanks @Chaos18 ! I thought I had some big problems with a couple of them, but they hatched just fine. I have to learn not to over worry about things.
These guys new family is so looking forward to getting them, and their little kids are just stoked!
Once they go it's time to put in another batch for us, and they will be all coco maroons from one of our friends who breeds them. Chicken math.
It's helpful to have something to keep you preoccupied. Me, I just go to work and there's nothing I can do about it. Than again I don't really worry about them even when I'm home.

You need more names then.....
The two that are pipped if they hatch will be Biscuits and Gravy. No others are pipped that I know of but my son wants to name one Toast
Bantams typically hatch early. There shouldn't be any issues. This is why we usually do lockdown on day 18. Just in case some early birds make there grand entrance. Leave the chick in the bator to dry.
Thanks Chaos...nice name btw...about what it is around here. Did lockdown on day 18. First time hatching bantams and first time using a circulated air incubator. Had used an old still air in the past and always had "on time" 21 days or late hatches.

Pic is of full sized egg that has pipped.

Thanks Chaos...nice name btw...about what it is around here. Did lockdown on day 18. First time hatching bantams and first time using a circulated air incubator. Had used an old still air in the past and always had "on time" 21 days or late hatches.

Pic is of full sized egg that has pipped.

What did you run your temp at during incubation in the fan model?
I think Bantams usually take 19 or 20 days, not the typical 21 of LF.

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