"Springing in the Chicks" 2016 April Hatch-a-Long Hosted by Mike & Sally

Was not expecting this today. Bantams hatching on day 19. 6am Actually eggs were placed in incubator @11 am on Sunday April 10th. Assuming it took a little time for them to internally heat to the incubators temp. I will research it, but if anyone has an opinion, will the "early" hatch cause any issues with chicks? One chick has hatched 2 pics are of same chick. 1 other egg has pipped. It is the close-up of the egg lower right corner of egg is tip of beak sticking out. Shell is from first chick that hatched. Brooder is ready, should I remove chick and allow it to dry there? Humidity is high. Only going by condensation on window. I have water in water channels and a had a sponge. I removed sponge when removed shell. 9:45 just checked and now one other "full size" egg is pipped!!! Called off work today!!!!

Bantams typically hatch early, they should be fine. LF can also hatch day 19 and be fine.

We are hatching seven eggs, they all started to hatch yesterday (Day 19). Three hatched overnight, one this morning and the other three are working on it. There are three barred rocks and four cream legbars. This is our first ever hatch and we are new to chickens in general.

I have read that I'm supposed to let them stay in the incubator until they are all hatched. I am worried about one chick, as he/she seems to be stuck in between an as yet unhatched egg and the incubator, I'm wondering if I should intervene.

If it is really stuck you can help it, it most likely is just resting and will be running in no time. If you do open, have a moist hot/warm paper towel to toss in to help keep humidity up.

Congrats @guinea124

I'm using the same incubator as you, I just had all of my eggs hatch, last one hatched this morning at about 4:00 is my guess. Oh and you can leave it in the incubator it will be just fine, don't open it up till they have all hatched because you can let humidity out and shrink wrap the chick. It is okay to quickly remove the shells form the hatched chicks once they hatch to make more room, but do it very quickly.

I have six that hatched, one full coco maroon, 2 salmon Favorelle buff orpingotn mix, 2 EE golden laced wayndotte mix, and one blue Cochin golden laced wayndotte mix.
This little incubator sure does a good job!
I have used it 6 times now with great success each time!
Love all the little chicks in there, congrats on yours and to everyone's else hatches!
Congratulations on your hatch. I have great luck with that little incubator too.

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