"Springing in the Chicks" 2016 April Hatch-a-Long Hosted by Mike & Sally

@Sally Sunshine
Hatch-a-long update
Incu #1 on lockdown just now
It's been a near total loss
7/41 still going
1/6 Cuckoo Bluebar- (MPC) clears, quitters, saddle cells. The one remaining doesn't look too promising
0/10 White Leghorn- (mail) clears, saddle cells and scrambled eggs
3/18 (our birds) EE, White Plymouth mutts- threw them in after a no show for the fertile eggs x 3 days, early quitters -100% fertile
3/7(our birds) EE- same as above, no shows, early quitters- 100% fertile

Incu #2 (day 16)
8/10 White Plymouths (mail) 1 clear, 1 late quitter
9/12 EE- Erminett type (BYC auction/mail) 1 clear, 2 early quitters- saddled air cells
25/30 Nanci's mutts (coworker) 2 clears, 3 early quitters

Incu #3 (day 15)
1/7 Sebastopol geese (coworker Nanci) 5 clears, 1 early quitter - She's bringing me more to try in a week or two!

Incu #4 (day 4)
17 Columbian Wyandottes (mail)
12 Nanci's mutts (coworker)
Also in #4 (staggered)
10 Olive Eggers- Marans/Ameraucana & Ameraucana/Marans (BYC auction/mail)

Still to come:
12 Langshan

Hoping for an uneventful hatch- it's been a horrible few days here. After returning from a cousin's funeral (breast cancer), we found our one and only Polish, Sir Topham Hatt dead. No signs of trauma. Quarantined that coop and treated for coccidiosis as one other bird was acting sluggish. All are doing well now, still quarantined. My young son and I cried like babies, we just adored that bird! I deal with death every day (hospice), but I think dealing with such personal loss brought everything to a head. My youngest (3 yrs) grandson came home from the hospital today (pneumonia), my daughter can't convince him to take his meds or breathing treatment, because only Nahma can do it. So I get to give medicine, and breathing treatment, and rock and comfort my precious boy. He's doing much better, and little does he know, he was comforting me.

I am sorry for your loses this week. Cousins are a kids first friends; and cancer is a horrible, terrible disease. Our chickens mean so much to us and it so upsetting when something happens to one of them. May holding your grandson in your arms and caring for him bring peace to your mind and healing to your heart. The love a child has for their Nahma is like no other. Best wishes for the rest of the week.
Duck Hatching QUESTION

Important Info:
20 Ancona eggs in a Brinsea 20 Adv
Shipped Eggs, rested for 36 hours prior to setting. Did not turn for first 36 hours. Air cells look good to me
9 days completed, on day 10
Temp - 99.5-99.6*F
Humidity - 35% - 45%, I am misting 1x per day around 9:30pm (that is when I set them) and I am keeping the humidity slightly higher than I did with the chicken eggs

Can eggs set on the same day develop at what appears to be vastly different rates?

I have 6 eggs that I can't tell if they are clears, developing or early deaths. I am not the best at candling and these particular eggs are seem to be developing slowly at what appears to be 3-4 day behind the one I KNOW are developing "normal" according to candling charts I have found. When I candled them 4 days ago they appeared to be clears; last night they appeared to have veining, although not like the others that are more developed.
I course kept ALL of them, even the 2 I know are clears, in the incubator for the time being until I can certain what I am looking at.
If photos need to be provided I can do that the next time I candle.

Thank you so much for any information. I tried to provide all info needed in the "Important Info" section. THANKS!!!!!!
I decided to try ordering hatching eggs for the first time this year, because I was having trouble finding Calico/Mille Fleur Cochins as day old chicks. Out of seven eggs, five are developing, and should hatch this week!!

My Buff Orpington broody, who is sitting on four of the eggs.

Lena, one of my Cochin hens, who is sitting on one of the Calico eggs.

A Calico hen (above) and Mille Fleur hen (below). These are not mine, just pictures I found on the internet of other people's hens.

I decided to try ordering hatching eggs for the first time this year, because I was having trouble finding Calico/Mille Fleur Cochins as day old chicks. Out of seven eggs, five are developing, and should hatch this week!!

My Buff Orpington broody, who is sitting on four of the eggs.

Lena, one of my Cochin hens, who is sitting on one of the Calico eggs.

A Calico hen (above) and Mille Fleur hen (below). These are not mine, just pictures I found on the internet of other people's hens.

These are pretty chickens! Good luck!
After my first hatch in my incubator, I have a Silkie that went broody. She is currently sitting in 7 Wyandotte eggs. And due to hatch the 19th.. First broody too!!! Lol been a exciting month.
Duck Hatching QUESTION 

Important Info:
20 Ancona eggs in a Brinsea 20 Adv
Shipped Eggs, rested for 36 hours prior to setting.  Did not turn for first 36 hours.  Air cells look good to me
9 days completed, on day 10  
Temp - 99.5-99.6*F 
Humidity - 35% - 45%, I am misting 1x per day around 9:30pm (that is when I set them) and I am keeping the humidity slightly higher than I did with the chicken eggs

Can eggs set on the same day develop at what appears to be vastly different rates? 
I have 6 eggs that I can't tell if they are clears, developing or early deaths.  I am not the best at candling and these particular eggs are seem to be developing slowly at what appears to be 3-4 day behind the one I KNOW are developing "normal" according to candling charts I have found.  When I candled them 4 days ago they appeared to be clears; last night they appeared to have veining, although not like the others that are more developed.  
I course kept ALL of them, even the 2 I know are clears, in the incubator for the time being until I can certain what I am looking at.  
If photos need to be provided I can do that the next time I candle.  

Thank you so much for any information. I tried to provide all info needed in the "Important Info" section.  THANKS!!!!!!

I think that happens with shipped eggs sometimes. It seems like It can take longer for the embryo to get started because of the damage done from shipping. That is just my experience. I don't remember how those eggs did in the long haul though.
Weird news from the emu front... Unfortunately one of our chicks did not survive the night. It was pretty weak. It might have lived if I was providing around the clock care but I was just so tired I had to get a good nights sleep.

The weird part is that the 4th chick is still alive and has actually absorbed most all of its yolk... four days later! Everyday I was surprised that it was still alive. It was kind of gasping for air so I opened up the top of the egg so it could move its neck a bit and it is no longer gasping. Just chillin in the egg. I covered it with damp paper towels and gave it a good pep talk.

I wish I had left the chick that died in the incubator now, but I really didn't think this last egg was going to do much. I don't know if it will live but I am amazed by it so far, so I am going to hope for the best!
Hi everyone!! I just had a broody hatch out some mixes last weekend--- this weekend I finished hatching Chocolate Cuckoo Orpington and Crested Cream Legbars... Sunday I have more Cream Legbars to hatch as well as some of my Welsummer over CCL Roo mixes :) Also have a broody in the coop due in about another week and a half :)


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