Sprouted feed

I have often thought what a racket... People selling wheat grass kits for soooo much money.

"Wheat grass seeds" is nothing more than Hard Red Winter Wheat... I get mine at the organic feed store for around $16 per 60lbs.

Chris09 I like the trench idea!

You can sprout beans, but you need to let them sprout fully. Otherwise, you end up with the same issues as you have with dried, uncooked beans. Other types of seeds are okay to feed anytime after the root tip first appears. People may feed sprouts at different stages in the sprouting process, for an assortment of reasons. Changing nutritional content, fungus risk management, taste, convenience, adapting to weather conditions, etc.
Beans I was sure of but I did soak some wheat from the feedstore. Nothing yet, but figured I had some so I tried it.
I've seen so many places offering wheat seed I was kind of second guessing, so glad to hear I may have sprouts for my birds soon.
OK, so what else do I have here that I can sprout? LOL
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OK I read about a baby blanket and went by several dollar and 99 cent stores today and forgot to stop and buy one. Would paper towels do or not? I've started seed with them, but those were to transplant, so not sure they'd do well.
I sprouted wild strawberry seeds in paper towels but changed to coffee filters in ziploc bags because the tiny roots penetrated the towels and their fragile roots broke when I tried to remove and plant.

I'm soaking BOSS right now in a 32 oz yogurt carton. In the morning I will use my strainer and rinse, then figure out what I will put them in next.

Anyone do safflower seeds...are they better than wildbird mix?
I should have been more clear. Baby blanket is a name given to the soil less medium that resembles a babys blanket due to how thin it is. It's a very thin mat composed of coconut husk fibers. You cut it to fit your tray and plant sprouted grains on it after a thorough soaking as it is very absorbent. I buy it in bulk and is pretty neat stuff.
LOL ok don't do that to me again.

I grew some type of sprouts on a cheesecloth once, so a BABY blanket sounded alright.

This is what happens with 2 hours of sleep a night.

I haven't used soil for starting seeds for a long time, so I want alternatives.

I also what a place to put them, so I can start more. I have some plastic containers from lasagna, I'm thinking those would be good to use.

I still want more ideas for sprouting and I'm hoping I have something here already to work with.

I should grab my real blankie and just rest first, Then I won't be assuming stupid stuff. LOL
You weren't the only one who was thinking that it was a real baby's blanket. I was sitting here thinking about asking which kind of baby blanket works best!
And I had a full night's sleep and I've already had my coffee this morning!

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