SQ Egg Swap

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for those of you wanting to be so amzingly nice
if you want to send something

my address is

zack jones
jones poultry farm
p.o. box 214
kings mtn. ky 40442
Originally Posted by ki4got
i'll offer
6+ silver grey dorking (pure) or
6+ mixed color dorking (silver grey roo over red and colored hens) or
8+ mix & match of silver grey and mixed color

I'll be able to send these out monday.
or i can offer EE eggs mixed with who knows what roosters - free ranged with sg dorking, crele oegb and calico/black/silver laced bantam cochin roos - breeding witnessed by dorking but have seen the others courting.
or if you want to wait i can do a mixture of purebred black/self blue, silver laced and white/frizzle bantam cochins. they should start laying soon (they're 5 months old) too and i can send them out once i've determined fertility there too. i've only got 4 hens in the 3 varieties... they hatched on thanksgiving day, the frizzle hen (white) is laying now but i haven't set any of her eggs yet. waiting on a few more first.

didn't mean to stall the thread. sorry guys.

here's pics of my laced hen and one of the black/self blues...

not a great pic, that was over a month ago and her tail hadn't fluffed in yet...

and the black roo at about 3 months old... they won't sit still for new pics.
here's my adolescent dorking flock earlier this month... 2 of the hens have started laying for me this week.
I'll offer 6+

BBs bantam ameraucama ( just won BB)


Bantam Lavender Ameraucana

Blue Wheaten OEG's

or Guineas ( lavender, Lavender pied and Pearl) So far all I've hatched is lavender or lav. pied.
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Passing this on from shellyga

I have been down with the flu since Thursday.. hoping to feel better soon... can someone who frequents the swaps/egg chains pass the word for me.. I know I owe swaps...and hope to get caught up as soon as I can manage to even make it to the coop for eggs..lots trashed..


6+ LF Barnevelders (to ship next week)


3 Giant Dewlap African Goose eggs (Holderread & Metzer stock)
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mine on the goose eggs

I offer to send out next Monday

6+ Rhode Island Reds

6+ Black Cayuga ducks

Or I can offer 6+ assortment bantam or standard
English BBS Orpingtons
BBS Amerucanas
Buff Turkens

Spangled Old English
Blue Spangled Old English
White Laced Red Corinsh
mille fluer cochins/silkies
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