Squeeky Crow... How Funny

Kat's Silly Chickens

9 Years
Sep 12, 2010
South Central Texas
OMG mom's Sultan Sunshine found his crow today
but it sounds so funny. I thought Manchas was playing with her squeeky toy in the sunroom. But low and behold I peeked around the corner and there's Sunshine on the roost gearing up for another LOUD Squeeky Crow
I about fell over laughing
. We kept hearing a similar sound the day before and thought the younger 1's were picking on Melody (older Sultan).

The Proud Crower

Dad even heard it and said good thing he's inside the sunroom cage cause Cliff would fall over crying
if he heard it.
Mom said yip-pie Tom (dad) said no more buying babies, but he never said the chickens couldn't lay/hatch them

Now she can't wait to see what sex the Silkies are, maybe we'll have ourselves some Sulties in the near future.
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How funny! The same thing happened at my house. I have a pair of young silkies in a very large brooder in the basement. As my normal routine, I got up to get ready for work, went downstairs and turned the light on for them and changed their water. When I was in the bathroom (which is right above the silkies), I heard this weird, moaning squeak three times. Truthfully, it kind of gave me the creeps. Then it hit me! My little black silkie, Stormy, is a rooster! haha I had suspected that. It's fine because he is a pet. I also have a cute little white silkie, and I suspect she is a little girl. I'm almost sure I'm right now, because her mannerisms are totally different from Stormy's.

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