Squirrels eating chicken eggs

We used to have a squirrel problem here too.  I leave the barn open on nice days to air it out, and the squirrels were going in and chewing holes in my feed bags.  They liked to dig up our flower bulbs too. 

I had some snap traps I'd bought from Walmart - I think (?) they're called tomcat rap traps. They're quite big and meant for rats, but they work really really good for squirrels too.    Anyway, I put a big gob of peanut butter on the little bait cup and within one hour (I kid you not!) I'd caught all four squirrels.
love this idea! We live in an area that "shooting" the little rodents,(well I should not say little, these eastern grays, an invaciuos species, are huge!) is just not an option. We have had a squirrel problem for years as I have 2 hazel nut trees and one black walnut and never see a nut for the family. The problem is kill one dominant male and the next week you're over run!
The squirls get in threw the roof and are pooping all over the place in my coop including in the food. My chickens never have any scratch or anything good because they take it all. they need to stay out. my run is covered with hardwire cloth they use the roof to get in and out that is a mesh screen or when i let my chickens out in the yard..
I was just looking for the same solution. It has been one week we don't get any eggs in my coop with 20 chickens!! So today I am looking to see if I find where they decided to nest outside and atop the shed i can see many eggshells. So whatever it's stealing my eggs is taking them to the roof of the shed and eating them there.
We have lots of squirrels around and I didn't notice any missing chickens, so I don't think it's a racoon,
Any suggestions?
I loose 9 eggs a day to squirrells. I have also lost chickens to raccoons in the evenings. They literally climb over the enclosure and haul the chickens out the same way. Ground squirrels are my nemisis
I also have a large squirrel problem, they dig under the coop, slide between the two sheets of hardware cloth on the walls, (which are now closed up) get through a small opening on the roof. They eat the eggs, the feed and drink my girl's water. I have barricaded the ground around the coop with rocks, boards and flower pots and it's only a matter of time. I have placed squirrel poison out side of the back yard in bait stations but it hasn't made much of difference. They multiply often. It's driving me nuts! I can't be away from the house long because the nasty critters eat all of their food. I wish I had a solution for all of us!
I have many squirrels who enjoy eating my chicken feed (and eggs) but the biggest problem is them getting in the bottom tray of my hanging feeder and spilling the feed out on the ground. I have looked all over for a squirrel proof feeder but the only one I can find which is called "Grandpa's Feeder" but the chickens have to be trained to open the lid in order to feed. Also the cost for the large feeder is around $150.00 (plus shipping). I don't like shooting the squirrels but I am starting to do so.
For me keeping chickens is about sustainable living. Killing any predator in your yard is NOT.

Remember they have been there before you. We human enroach on wildlife - try to live in peace with your wildlife.

EXCLUSION is the key word - almost any "pest animal" can be excluded.
In your case, you might want to add fencing (hardware cloth with 1/2inch to 1inch) that is too small for the squirrels to get through.
Also feeding the squirrels might do the trick to distract them. Squirrels are not big on eggs anyway - I work in wildlife rehab and although we offer eggs to squirrels, they hardly never eat it when giving other choices.

Exclusion also works for raccoon, foxes, etc - trying to live in harmony with the world around you also might make you feel better about yourself and your chickens

I would love to see the pics of the squirrels rolling the eggs though, thats hillarious !!
Well, that's a nice idea, but the hens still need to get to the nesting boxes, too. If you barricade against the squirrels, the chickens can't get in to do their business. Sorry.. that won't work.
I have a new chicken coop and run, very predator proof, but not squirrel proof. Squirrels have been raiding the henhouse, any suggestions at how to deter them. I have pictures of them taking the eggs from the nest boxes, managing to get them to the floor without breaking them and then rolling them out the chicken door. Any suggestions would be welcome. JoBeth
I hate to be the bearer of bad news but squirrels eat eggs and baby birds and baby chicks especially in the spring .They aren't just egg thieves.Chipmunks will too.


  • Screenshot 2021-08-17 at 01-09-36 squirrels vs baby chicks at DuckDuckGo.png
    Screenshot 2021-08-17 at 01-09-36 squirrels vs baby chicks at DuckDuckGo.png
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