Squirrels & Feed

Pretty much a waste of time, relocating squirrels is a feel good practice, not a practical or even arguably humane solution... A study in 2004 found that 97% of relocated squirrels didn't survive past 88 days... So basically relocation is pretty much a drawn out death sentence, where the local squirrels will mercifully attack the transplant or it will die of starvation/exposure since all the food sources and housing are already secured and guarded by the local population...
That is good to know, I gave up on it anyway after a few as it is too time consuming and they just keep coming anyway. We used to pick them off with a .22 but if you kill one 10 come to the funeral. By far the best solution is to spend a little time and treasure building or buying squirrel resistant feeders. wheather you are feeding wild birds or poultry.
Oh wow thank you now that was worth getting up and checking out the BYC Mail this morning ,,, Cute that is if one is not dealing with it as a problem :gig
look like super small kangaroos just out of moms pouch :oops: ,,, but how do you get them out of the nesting box ?????/

When they fight at night they sound like devils and when they are on my tin roof it sounds like kangaroos playing football. Occasionally they fall down the chimney and get trapped in the fire box. We have had to open the door and shoo them outside. I didn't have the heart to shoo momma and baby out so I left them be. Here's one the dogs flushed out on our walk down the back.

Fancychooklady, possums do not have the huge rat tail that is used to hang upside down and are cute but I am sure just as nasty at getting into everything .....

That was funny how you mentioned them on a tin roof took me back to my child hood and yes they do make a ruckus up there been a wile and had not thought about it for years ....

I caught a opossum and a raccoon before I was a teen ager and they both lived on the property and took up different buildings to live on and I guess they both found a friend as they booth took off and would come back every now and then to steel the dog's food .... But I did find the raccoon to be more friendly and really enjoyed rids in the car, Wish I still had pictures of them as the opossum was a great hit at weddings as in my teenage years thought it was just so funny to put then in the out house as we lived in the Northern California Red Wood Forest at the time and the grown ups would get so angularly and the city people a bit jumpy over wild animals being in there ......
Fancychooklady, possums do not have the huge rat tail that is used to hang upside down and are cute but I am sure just as nasty at getting into everything .....

This is not entirely true nor false, North American possums do in fact have a large rat like tail and although they don't technically 'hang' from it they do use it like a 5th leg/hand when climbing much the same way monkeys do... And it's not uncommon to see very young possums hanging by the tail when they slip while learning to climb in trees, adults weigh too much for them to be actually be able to hang from the tail for any length of time, but babies can actually manage it for a bit...
We use to move ours around by getting her to wrap it's tail around a stick and then hold the stick out and she would just hang there but this was more for show then anything else as you are correct she would not stay there very long but long enough to be moved or set in the corner and we could keep her there with dry dog food ...... But one thing was always interesting she did like to his a lot when ganging ..... And she was caught at less then a month old and lived around us for more then 3 years and was seen for several years after but never totally tame after she left .....

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