Stall Dry, my new best friend...

I'm hoping to drag my sorry butt to town today and I'm definitely going to look into buying this. I need to go to TSC for a new heat lamp anyway... my new baby chicks are coming this week!

Does anyone know if this stuff will work with straw bedding? We farm for a living and bale our own straw and have tons of it, so that's what I've been using to bed the chickens. Would I sprinkle it under the straw or on top of it?
This is something I was wondering as well. Anyone compost with the used material? As far as I know, food grade DE itself is not harmful to compost and it won't even bother benificial things like earthworms so long as you just add it to the top of their beds and allow them/it to work in naturally (i.e. don't bury them in it, etc.). The Sweet PDZ site FAQ says you can recycle it into pastures and gardens in the form of a soil amendment or fertilizer, and that it is pH neutral and 100% all-natural. Looks like it should be no problem to compost with.
After reading this yesterday, I had to run down to TSC and get a bag! Can't wait to see how well it works. I only paid 10 bucks for a pretty big bag! I have learned so many useful things from this site!
I got mine at TSC, too, for about $10-. They didn't know where to find it LOL. It was in the back with the grain.

I've seen it posted that DE can be mixed into the feed as a worm preventative. Can Stall Dry be used in the same manner? I'm not sure, because it's not straight DE. I don't have the ingredient list in front of me.

Right now, I'm using it in the coop, mixed into their sand pile, and in the cat litter boxes.
OMG, I do love this site - I learn something EVERY time!
If it weren't for everybody else in the house, I'd cancel cable tv and just site here on my laptop and learn! Another visit to TSC...

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