Started eggs today! 3/30/12! Hatchalong anyone????

keep an eye on that pip, i had to extract a couple chicks... and I can tell you how to do it if need be. Both the ones I helped out are fine beautiful chicks now.
I had to help one of the Dominiques I hatched last week, too. Worked out fine. Just have to get prepared and be careful.
Sharks I'm so sorry! I feel like the early spring here is making predator issues so much worse this year.

The membrane on that pip was getting really dry, so I decided to help a a little. I helped a couple last year, and they turned out fine. The beak is sticking out of the hole, so I know the chick is hanging in there, and chirping like crazy! I pulled the egg out using a warm wet cloth, and carefully used tweezers to chip away at the opening. I saw a little blood, so I stopped and put the egg back in the bator. I'll check on it again in a couple of hours.
An update... When I came back, the chick had made a nickel size hole in the egg, and it's head was sticking all the way out! So I helped a little again, this time only chipping a couple of small chips on one side of the hole. But it seemed to help, because 5 minutes later, she kicked herself free. She seems very weak though, and there is still a trace of yolk. I sure hope she makes it.

Normally I wait much longer to help, but I was alarmed that she was upside down, and clearly struggling.
All mine are done hatching i had one pip then died i should of helped it last night but cant now another chick is dying it cant get off its side. But i have 11 heathy chicks out of 26 eggs which is still pretty bad. But my mcmurray chicks came in today so that made me feel better.
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That's not so bad. I hope the weak one makes it.

I started with 22 eggs. Only 6 made it to lockdown. So far only 2 have hatched, and the problem chick looks very questionable. She's still laying on her side, chirping a lot, and kicking, but she hasn't opened her eyes. The other 4 eggs are silent. I did candle one when I opened the incubator to intervene, and I'm pretty sure I saw some movement, but not totally sure. I have the worst luck with Maran eggs.

Btw, the chick that is running around my bator already has a comb. I've had this happen before with Wyandottes, and they always wind up being roos. My BF named him Bernadette. We might have to call him Bernie.
I'm sorry for y'alls losses. It's sad every time.

All five of mine are hatched and looking good. The last one hatched just a few minutes ago. I'm anxious to get my hatcher cleaned up and ready for lockdown tomorrow - I have guinea, pheasant and some more Barred Rock eggs to put in there!

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