Started performing an eggtopsy on day 25.. the chick is alive!!! HELP!

I did poke a hole in the membrane :( I haven't seen much movement or heard anything in a while so I'm just going to play the waiting game and see what happens.. it's so heartbreaking! It is day 25 so we'll see .. I've got a bad feeling the high humidity in there did not help anything! We're in OH but have had nothing but storms and hot sticky weather for the past week as well as us not having central air conditioning so the whole house is pretty muggy in general
Whatever happened to your chick?

I have a live chick on day 25 still chillin' in her shell. I have candled every day and can see movement. I don't think that she has pipped internally as I can't hear her and can't see a beak in the air sac. The air sac has gotten pretty big since it is so past due. I only have 1 chick from this batch that has hatched and she hatched on day 22. The others have all seemed to have died in their shells. I had a terrible temp spike on the night of day 18 that I am afraid contributed to the loss of the other chicks before hatching. I am not sure what to do about this little chick. I candle often because I am so certain that it is just gonna die on me. This morning when I picked it up to candle I could actually feel it move in the egg, so I know that I am not imagining movement. Is there something I can do to help? Lol like at this point I think we need to induce! This baby needs to come out! I hate feeling like I am waiting on death, but I really don't have much hope. Has anyone been through this? Thanks!
Did the chick make it out?
If you are asking about my chick I saw movement last night still but I couldn't tell if there was any movement this morning. I am gonna leave it for now and maybe slowly open the shell later. There has to be a reason as to why it has lived so long but not hatched.
Hello friends!

Sorry I haven't been on in a while.. the little chick did end up making it out with my assistance but it was very weak and had a terrible case of wry neck and crooked toes.. I was able to treat the wry neck and make booties for its feet. it's still alive today and I'd say is doing pretty well .. it's definitely the runt of the group but manages to keep up pretty well!

hope your chick made it out!
Hey guys and girls
I have two eggs left in incubator and I have just candled them I swear there was movement but it is hard too tell as they take up the whole egg . I did the float test and they float right where the air sack is and they bobble in the water .
What do I do as we are on day 25 now
I am keeping incubator between 37 and 40 degree
Pls help
Hey guys and girls
I have two eggs left in incubator and I have just candled them I swear there was movement but it is hard too tell as they take up the whole egg . I did the float test and they float right where the air sack is and they bobble in the water .
What do I do as we are on day 25 now
I am keeping incubator between 37 and 40 degree
Pls help
What ended up happening? Did they hatch?

40 degrees is much too high. You want it about 37.5, much higher than that and it can be dangerous.
You also dont want to water test them if you can see movement in the egg, water testing is needless and can be risky.
What ended up happening? Did they hatch?

40 degrees is much too high. You want it about 37.5, much higher than that and it can be dangerous.
You also dont want to water test them if you can see movement in the egg, water testing is needless and can be risky.
Sorry for late reply i am sick with covid
I opened them up They weren't alive
It is hard it is my old incubator and it is in the shed so it does get hot in there during the day
But 9 out of 18 eggs hatched and they are healthy I am collecting more eggs and brought a temp gauge of internet that has humidity on it so I can keep a eye on that cause I think that was the cause
So I will try again I am keeping it between 36 and 39 but it ain't easy
Thankyou for your interest
If any of your eggs don't hatch by 21 days how do you test them and do you help them out of the shell if needed
Sorry for late reply i am sick with covid
I opened them up They weren't alive
It is hard it is my old incubator and it is in the shed so it does get hot in there during the day
But 9 out of 18 eggs hatched and they are healthy I am collecting more eggs and brought a temp gauge of internet that has humidity on it so I can keep a eye on that cause I think that was the cause
So I will try again I am keeping it between 36 and 39 but it ain't easy
Thankyou for your interest
If any of your eggs don't hatch by 21 days how do you test them and do you help them out of the shell if needed
Im sorry they didn't make it. To check them for life, candling with light is best.
Here is the Assisted hatching article
It gives good advice on how to help them.

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