Starter crumble straight to layer pellets ??


Jul 23, 2018
NSW Australia
hi all just need some help in regards to feeding the flock. Is there any issues transitioning from starter feed to layer pellets. I have read only differences between pullet grower 6-20 weeks and layer pellets is layer pellets have additional minerals and calcium ?

Can layer pellets at 6-8 weeks cause harm to the chickens if raised from 0-6 weeks on starter crumble. Essentially do I need pullet grower between starter crumble and layer pellets ?? Assistance is greatly appreciated.
You should really use grower between starter and layer feed. Extra calcium fed to chickens between 6 and 20 weeks causes reduced growth and high intestinal and blood pH. It prevents their bodies from properly absorbing many other trace minerals needed for proper growth.
Wait until your pullets start to lay or when they are 20 weeks before offering layer feed. Or keep them on grower and offer calcium on the side in the form of something like oyster shell.
Good luck!
hi all just need some help in regards to feeding the flock. Is there any issues transitioning from starter feed to layer pellets. I have read only differences between pullet grower 6-20 weeks and layer pellets is layer pellets have additional minerals and calcium ?

Can layer pellets at 6-8 weeks cause harm to the chickens if raised from 0-6 weeks on starter crumble. Essentially do I need pullet grower between starter crumble and layer pellets ?? Assistance is greatly appreciated.

There is quite a range of opinions on what is and what isn’t suitable feed for a flock.
One argument is that layers pellets are for laying hens, so if you have roosters, pullets, non laying hens, elderly hens, then maybe layers pellets aren’t the right feed for them.
There are those, I include myself in this group, who have concerns about the composition of layer pellets. Chickens are omnivores and most feeds including layers pellets don’t have meat or fish content. If you free range this shouldn’t be a problem but for chickens contained permanently then this might be a concern.

There is some anecdotal evidence that the high calcium levels in layers pellets are not good for roosters because they can’t process such a high level of calcium.

Many people on this site recommend multi feeds. These tend to have lower calcium levels and come with a range of protein levels. This still doesn’t address the omnivorous nature of the chicken.

I recently changed from layers pellets to a multi feed(18 % protein 1 % calcium) partly fermented; a mash basically and once, or twice, a week add a small amount of fish or meat by way of a treat at roosting time. The chickens here free range.

I think the best option is a good quality multi feed with a protein content between 18% and 22% and a calcium content around 1% or 2% as a starting point. If I kept chickens contained 24/7 then I would want to add something like meal worms, or fish in small quantities a few times a week.
I feed a Start & Grow feed 18% Protein from hatch to point of lay. My first Flock was Golden Comets and they reached point of lay between 16 and 18 weeks. Combs were red and swollen and they would squat when you put your hand over them.
At 16 weeks I mixed Layers Pellets with Start and Grow Crumbles 50/50 for 2 weeks, then just Layers pellets. I also mixed the pellets with Scratch Grains and Scattered on dry ground and they eagerly ate the Pellets. Some chickens don't like Pellets, but mixing it with the Scratch Grains my first Flock gulped them down.
My current flock are Barred Rocks 7 weeks old. 20180927_171645.jpg . Two of seven. I don't expect them to reach point of lay till 20 weeks or later. They are not a sex-links type that lays early and the days are getting shorter in my neck of the woods.
I could keep them on a Starter Grower feed or switch to a All-Flock/Flock Raiser around 10 weeks. I would not switch to a Layers feed till point of lay, (Swollen Red Combs and Squatting). In fact I plan on feeding a All-Flock feed even when they are laying with Oyster Shells in a separate container.
My Golden Comets feather picked when I switched to a 16% Layers feed.
If I could get a 18 or 20% Protein Layers feed, fresh and readily available I would buy when all are laying. GC

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