Starting a Muscovy Duck Club

Great idea! Feral Population play a big part in the Muscovy's public image right now. Boosting awareness is a wonderful idea.
The free site Im using we can add as many pages as we want, so once I get the frame work up all I will need is data to add to those pages.
Ok.. Im really getting back to work now.. I have tried a few sets and I don't like any of them yet.. so.. still playing with it. Need a Logo.. badly.. any artists here? I can.. but would rather work on the site then spend a few hours drawing. I can if I have to.
Great idea! Feral Population play a big part in the Muscovy's public image right now. Boosting awareness is a wonderful idea.

Did you hear about what they did to the muscovies down here in florida? And it was all because people would not listen.
They fed 200 muscovies poisened food to make them sleep then picked them up and took them off to be gased. They wouldnt let rescues take them or anyone else who offered to take them and just use them for meat or something.

Touchy subject on here though. I dont want to start anything by bringing it up because the last thread did get closed.
That's terrible! I also don't want this thread closed so I won't go into anymore details. Hopefully clubs like this can spread knowledge to help prevent further issues like this.
took me a sec to figure out what you meant... "silhouette" is the spelling you're looking for
I actually a big fan of silhouettes because you can do so much with them:

Fun stuff:

Here are a couple I recently designed for farming clients:

Dark silhouette

Light silhouette

Would maybe be cool to make a silhouette where the only color was the caruncle... I dunno. What does everyone else think?

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